Alone for the Moment (Kinda HEX)

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So normally, this would have been posted in a few hours because that's when I'd get home, however, somebody decided that it would be a wonderful idea to put a note in the third floor bathroom that they were in fact going to shoot up the school at 2:00 today. Anyways I'm now home-

It's most likely that it was just an empty threat, a funny joke note in the bathroom gone wrong or something. But still, it's good that they shut the school down for the day and are doing an investigation as I'm typing this!

Enough ranting about shootings, please enjoy the oneshot!

Main Characters/Ship: Hels, EX, Xisuma/HEX

Words: 1507 without A/Ns

Type: Minor angst

Trigger Warning: Many a spelling error, sad Exy, minor description of ringing


Hels lived alone. He always has. And honestly, he prefers it, no annoying hermits to bother him, no creepers to randomly blow him up, no one to talk to... Okay, maybe Hels DOES mind being alone, but really, what can he do about it? He can't exactly hang out with the hermits, not after his stunt back in season six where he attacked his brother with his plans to destroy the server. Yeah, that wasn't going to be easily forgiven. The last guy to attempt that ended up getting banned to the void, left to slowly be torn apart from the inside out, Hels was lucky. He got away.

Hel's sighed, that's enough deep thoughts for one day. He got up off his couch and made his way to the door of his house, if you could call it that. What it really was was just a glorified hole in the side of the nether wall, it had a simple redstone door to enter, just a hidden lever, inside you would find three rooms, each made of the same crimson and blackstone decor, a basic kitchen with a table and a single chair in one room, a couch and a rough-looking bed in another and then another, hidden armour room only accessible with button behind the couch. That room was just for emergencies, it wasn't like anyone else would be looking for it anyways.

Hels opened his door, grabbing his gold sword one the way out (There was barely any iron in the nether) and taking in the hot nether air. He needed some pork for dinner so to the crimson forest he goes.


It had taken him two hours but he finally got the pork he needed, about three stacks, that should hopefully last him. Hels had considered making a farm in the past but it would take a lot of resources and time, and either way, it would probably produce enough lag to notify the server admin, Xisuma, and that, Hels did not want. Xisuma had the power to ban him and he probably wouldn't even think twice about it, he'd done it before, to his own sibling even.

Hels had just finished packing up to go back when he felt a slight buzz on his communicator that he had stolen from Wels so long ago. It wasn't connected to the main chat anymore but it would still get notified for certain things.

Hels blood went cold as he saw what it said on the communicator.

EvilXisuma joined the game.

He escaped. EX had escaped from the void. He had to go, and fast. Hels dropped his pork and raced in the direction of the nearest nether portal, new players always spawned at spawn, which was smack in the middle of the Shopping District, you get where this is going, basically there were going to be a lot of hermits there. And where there are a lot of Hermits, there's Xisuma.

He made it to the nether portal and leaped through it, he ended up coming out into the overworld through a portal ingrained into rock, beside a large tree. Hels saw buildings everywhere, the shopping district. Perfect.

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