Chapter 5: Troubled Thoughts

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"You're utterly silent ever since we got here, Miyuki. Is there something bothering you?" Shinku asked the teal haired girl, who was leaning on his shoulders

Miyuki sits back up and hugs her knees in comfort. Noticing this, he grabs her attention,


"It's nothing really" she looks up towards the night sky and Shinku notice the sadness lingering within her eyes, "I just hope things will always remain like this"

"Your eyes don't lie, Miyuki" he caresses her cheek, "I'm here, you can tell me anything" he continue, "That's not the only thing bothering you, is it?"

She turns towards him, "I really can't hide things from you, can I?"

She smiles at him and he nods at her, she sighed

"The headmaster gave both Fatelyn and I a mission to enter the Crimson Kingdom as spies" she said, avoiding her boyfriend's stunned look

"What?! That's too dangerous" he angrily said, "Just what the hell is the headmaster thinking?!"


"I won't let you go there, I'm coming with you"

"No, you can't Shinku, you're needed here. Who's gonna protect our kingdom if you're coming as well?"

"Who's gonna protect you out there if things go downhill? I won't be able to forgive myself if something ever happens to you, Miyuki"

"Relax, I'm not an S-class rank for nothing. I'll be alright and besides I'm not going alone, like I said Fatelyn is there with me"

"I know, but-"

Shinku couldn't finish his sentence when she silence him with her finger,

"You trust me, don't you?"

"Of course"

"Then don't worry, I promise I'll be back here safe and sound" she leans in and kiss him on the cheeks, "Okay?"

He gave in and sighed, "Alright, that's a promise then"

"Promise" she hugged him and whispered, "Until then no kisses from me"

"Eh? What?" he couldn't believe what he just heard and gave her a pout as she let go, "No fair"

She laughs as she successfully lightens up the mood between them. She teasingly push him away when he leans in for a kiss,

"You'll have to wait till I get back, love" she teased

"Mou, then you better come back fast and unscathed, got that you silly girl?"

"Crystal clear, your highness"

Both of them laugh and snuggle with each other as they continue to watch the beautiful night skies above them.


"Hey, guys?" Hiroshi turns towards his friends as they walk back to their picnic table

"How did you know where was I?" he continued as they look at him

"We just followed where the screams were at" came Rensuji's reply

"And then we felt an ominous feeling. The one that's like... it's kinda pulling us. I don't know how to explain it but it's something like that" Hina added

"That's what I felt too when I saw that dark aura or something around Yuina" he said and look downwards as he suddenly felt nauseous

Both friends looks at each other as he said so until Rensuji notice their friend's sudden pale face, "Hey Hiro, are you alright?"

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