Chapter 19: Dual Test

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Moments after the introductions were done, all of the S class went back to the tunnel they came in. As soon as they left, the tournament bracket is visible on the screen.

"Brace yourselves as we begin the main event. There will be a barrier surrounding the battlefield so as to avoid us audience taking damage from the fight"

"In order to determine the winner, one needs to earn either 2 knock bocks on their opponent or an easy knockdown. So without further ado, for our first fight... It's Pisces vs Cepheus, the clashing between the two types of water affinity"

"Goodluck Dan" Shinku said as he pass by him

"Thanks Shinku" he replied and turns to Lex, who nods at him

Dan then slowly gets out and sees Hyl on the other side. Both fighters take on the center stage, waiting for the signal that starts the match. With one thing on their minds;

'I'll take you down...'


As soon as the referee blows his whistle, the combatants lunge towards each other with a clash. The impact cause a huge air current that made the barrier rumble.

Dan disappears from his opponents forefront in a blink of an eye, then reappears behind him launching a side kick.

Hyl manages to block this, returning the strike with his magic, "Water Magic: Hurling Surge"

A massive tidal wave blocks Dan's forefront which he fails to block in time. He gets knock back a few meters away from Hyl with splashes of water all over his place.

"Tch" he clicks his tongue as he stands up, wiping the small blood off his lips

"Looks like my water is superior than your mist" Hyl mockingly said

He smirks it off, "Don't get too cocky, I haven't even started playing yet"

Disappearing once more, although this time, the battlefield's surrounding begins to accumulate a huge amount of haze. Seeing it as another sneak attack, Hyl puts up a barrier around him.

Little did he know, a needle like mist forms sharply around the haze. It camouflages itself waiting for it's perpetrator's command.

"Mist Magic: Dancing Haze"

In a flash, the needles lunges towards its opponent, breaking the shield with ease. Once each of it has successfully lands a hit on its target the haze slowly disappears out of sight.

Blood slowly drips down from Hyl's body due to the injuries he sustain in that attack while Dan reappears back on the battlefield.

"Never underestimate the tiniest things" he said as he walks slowly towards him

A small chuckle escapes from Hyl's, "Yeah cause that might cost you"

His injured self slowly became water and splashes itself out.

"What the-" Dan gasp as the water accumulates beneath him

It engulfs him in, causing him to not only drown but as well as piercing him as the water inside forms itself into a sharp blade like form. He coughs out blood as soon as it let him free.

'I forgot he has his clone' Dan thought as he breathes in air as much as possible,  'Damn it, I need to end this quick before he uses that-'

"Mist Magic: Vaporizing Strike"

He immediately activates his magic as soon as he sees him with another tidal wave attack. Both attacks were neutralize when they came into contact with each other.

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