Chapter 20: Snow-like Illusion

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Yuina and her friends worriedly looks towards the battlefield as the healers takes away Shyn to treat her.

"That didn't just happen, right?" Mayzie ask

"No, it did" Yuzurina replies

"But that was not how Mystic fight in the past" she points out "I mean, I admit she has gotten a lot stronger but I could sense little to no mercy in those attacks"

'There's got to be something wrong but I could be just paranoid. I hope brother will be alright'

Meanwhile, at the waiting area, Dan approach Shinku,

"You'll be up against Fatelyn, you sure you'll be alright?" He ask

Shinku nods, "I'll be fine"

He sigh and sits beside him, "Just make sure you won't lose control again"

"I won't, besides sooner or later, I need to get to the bottom of these situations"

"Still on the theory of her not being the real Fatelyn?" He reconfirms and Shinku nods

"I'll be able to confirm my suspicion once I get to fight her head on"


"Welcome again, ladies and gentlemen!! Now that you've seen what the S class is capable of, let's move on to the semifinals of our event"

A minute of cheers filled the arena, the commentator continues after signaling them to pause for a while

"These guys still has a lot in store for us especially now that the top 5 are the only ones left. So without further ado, let us begin the semifinals of the dual test!! Starting the match is the one who can make even the slightest fog deadlier than a sword would, it's no other than Cepheus"

Dan walks up towards the battlefield with a smile on his face as he waves back towards the audience.

"Up against him is the fiery crimson flame that can engulf a mountain itself. Please help me welcome our salamander prince, Crimson"

Lex meets up with Dan in the center aisle of the battlefield. As their eyes made contact with each other, they both smirk.

"Don't let me burn you out, Cepheus" Lex teasingly said

His friend just scoffs in reply and smiles, "Oh don't rizz me, Crimson. Instead be careful with your fire, the mist might just add on hindering your vision of the winning cup"

Meanwhile, with both of his friends throw teasing words at each other, Shinku just sigh and smiles as well.

'Goodluck to you both' he thought as he looks over towards them

"Let the dual test begin!!"

As soon as those words left the commentator's mouth, the whole battlefield was engulf in flames.

Letting the mist surround himself, Dan prepares himself for what his friend might throw at him. After all, the three of them swore at each other to not hold back, if in case they'll get to fight one another, just like now.

"Oooohhh that's hot" he lightly whistles while fanning himself

"Shall we get on with this already?" Lex ask

"With pleasure!"

Dan immediately lunges forward in the speed of light. As he aim to kick him in the front, Lex easily dodges it and counterattacks.

They both exchange blows with a smile on their faces. It's already quite exciting if the one you're up against is your friend.

"Crimson Fire Magic: Fire blast"

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