Chapter 8: Another Shadow Strikes

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Sounds of heavy breathing can be heard as the messenger run as fast as he could in order to deliver an urgent report towards the throne room.

As he open the door, he kneels down in front of the King and reports,

"Your highness, one of the shadow guards sensed a high fluctuation of unknown yet familiar magic force"

"Who among the shadow guards did?" the king asked with a low yet commanding voice

"Mistress Solace did, your highness"

"I see" the king tilts his head to the side and places it on his hand, looking down on his messenger, "Tell Solace, I wish to speak with her"

"Yes sir" With that done, he hastily did what he was told.


In a dark place, present swords clashing down. Amidst of the people participating, a woman wearing an all dark crimson clothes with a cloak over it stand with a frightening gaze. Her boots clanked all over the place as she observe each people that trains.

"Excuse me Mistress Solace" a messenger kneels before her and she pause on her tracks

Taking the woman's silence, he proceeds to report, "The king wants your presence in the throne room"

She nods and puts on her cloak over her head, covering her crimson red hair. She flicks her cloak and suddenly disappears into thin air, leaving sparks of dark dust.

'I can't help but shudder every time I get into this place' the messenger thought as he recovers from the sudden fear that creeps out of his body

He hastily left the room and went on to his quarters

Meanwhile, the cloaked woman pops up at the center of the throne room with a flick of wind's breeze all over her place. She removes her hood and bows at the waiting king.

"Dreadful as always, Solace" the king smiled darkly

"With pleasure, King Kyron" she replied as she returns a smile, "On what matters, did you summon me here for?"

"That magic force you sensed, is it near here?"

"Yes" she nods at him, "I suppose the other kingdom had already made a move and it's a mistake at that"

"The report said you found it familiar, is that true?"

"Yes" a sinister grin crept out of her face that can cause even the bravest person out there to shudder and crumble beneath her, "As a matter of fact, it's been a while since I've sensed it"

"I see" the king leans his head on his arm, "In that case, I'll give you a task to bring her to me"


There was a pause and the king grins, "Whatever suits you, just make sure she's in one piece"

"Gladly, my King"


Two days have passed ever since the duo have been sent on an undercover mission. Both have blended well in the enemy's territory and right now, they are currently engaging on the kingdom's annual festival.

"Lynrie come on" Miyuki excitedly said, pulling her friend along, "The festival is starting"

"I'm coming Mina, I'm coming okay?" Fatelyn playfully responds, amused by her friend's sudden excitement

'And were here to spy not play' she sighs exasperatedly, 'But I'm just glad to see her back on her playful side after that breakdown that happened two days ago'

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