Chapter 10: Unexpected News

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It's a beautiful afternoon when the headmaster finally arrives at the orphanage aka the base for the undercover team.

He is wearing a full on disguise that even mask his own magic force, making him look like an ordinary commoner in the Crimson Kingdom. As he got inside, he was greeted by the people involved with the mission and escorted him to a room.

There he saw Fatelyn lying down in the comforts of her bed with several bandages all over her body while Professor Jaslyn is sitting down beside her bed.

"Headmaster..." the professor greets her guest

"How is she?" he asked

She turns towards her student and explains, "She's recovering well enough, I think she will be able to come back at the University tomorrow. However..."


"She's physically alright but the ordeal she went through cause a lot of damage on her emotional state"

"You mean-"

"Yes, the ordeal of having your dearest friend betray you just like that"


Meanwhile at the University's nurse's office, Yuina visits her brother when she found out that he wasn't at his class earlier as well as yesterday.

She was only walking down the hallway earlier to join her friends in the park when someone approach her, whom was the one that shares about the condition of her brother.

When he told her about the cause of it, she didn't want to believe it. Her brother recklessly wanted to make it to the Crimson Kingdom in order to save someone she thought she wouldn't hear especially from her brother.

Hiroshi's sister, Miyuki, is currently studying at the same school as them and he didn't even told her about it.

She sigh and remembers that this last few days, he was losing his guard more often and the fact that he doesn't even scold her when she got home late after spending time at Mayzie's place adds up to it.

She knows that not only does he have an overprotective side towards her but as well as with Miyuki. She's important as she is to him.

Miyuki is his childhood friend who was able to melt the coldness within his heart when he was young. She almost thought that maybe, just maybe, they are more than just friends but that incident cause it to shatter like a fragile mirror.

At least that's what she thought, cause what she didn't know they are still in touch with other like nothing ever happened-

Her thoughts are suddenly disrupted when her brother suddenly toss and turn harshly on his bed while muttering incoherent words.

"Brother!" she tried to wake him up but to no avail

"Stop!!... No, don't hurt her" Shinku mutters

Yuina's sudden frantic calls towards her brother alerts the school nurse and she hurriedly got to the side of the Yukishima siblings.

"He's having a nightmare again" the nurse said

"Again?" Yuina worriedly looks over her brother who was sweating profusely.

"Shinku wake up" the nurse tries

"NOO MIYUKI!" Shinku suddenly jolts awake before she tried to wake him up again.

He was panting heavily and raised his hand to run it through his hair. He tries to get himself together as the nightmare still keep it's hold on him.


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