Chapter 13: Confrontation pt. 2

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"Sis Yuki?...."

Yuina mutters as she recognize the woman standing before them. That beautiful long teal hair, she knows too well, the only hair color that belongs to none other than the Vience family.

However, she wish that she haven't recognize the woman before them. Those eyes that holds so much light before is now as cold as ice.

She steps forwards, in hopes to see that this is still the one that she looks up to when she was young,

"Sis Yuki, it's me, Yuina"

However the woman before her, lunges forward for an attack. Yuina then activates her only defense, she summons thick vines in between them, blocking a possible fatal attack from her.

Getting out of their trance, both Mayzie and Yuzurina walks up to her side. They both tries to increase the barrier with enchant.

But even with her friend's help, their only defense is starting to crumble as Miyuki continues to put on a barrage of attacks.

'I-I can't hold on much longer' Yuina thought

Thinking ahead, Yuzurina steps out and gathers up her magic.

"Water Magic" she chants "Sea Dragon Howl"

A large dragon comes out of her hand, launching itself towards the enemy before them. Seeing this, Miyuki backs out a little and parries it with her own,

"Wind Magic: Tidal Storm" she mutters, letting a force of wind to return back the attack to it's caster.

Having no time to dodge nor block the incoming attack as it comes hurling like a speed of light, she gets knock back at the stall.

"YUZURINA!!" Mayzie calls out, which in turn lowers her guard causing the enchant to be cancelled out.

This allowed an overwhelming attack to pass through Yuina's defense, knocking them out with a loud thud. They try to stand back up when they see her coming towards their direction.

"Floral Magic: Thorn Roses" Yuina chants

As soon as she casts the spell, several roses attached to a vine-like green stems with thorns alongside it, comes attacking the enemy up-front.

However, Miyuki keeps parrying each attack with her own as if it was only as easy as breathing.

Having enough of the one sided battle, Mayzie activates her own,

"Feral Beast Magic: Feral Wolf"

She stands in between them, summoning a ferocious white wolf in front of her. It lunges itself towards their enemy causing her to back off and take on the defensive side.

While the wolf keeps her busy, Mayzie turns towards Yuina and ask if she was alright,

"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about me. You should check Yuzurina" Yuina responds and she nods

Mayzie goes over to their blonde haired friend and checks over her wounds.

"Heal Enchant"

As she casts her magic, Yuzurina's body lights up in a sparkling glow causing her wounds to close on their own while Yuina goes over to their side as well.

"Thanks Mayzie" Yuzurina said weakly

"What should we do?" Mayzie ask, "Her magic is on another level"

'Why is Sis Yuki like this?' Yuina thought, 'What exactly happened-?'

Her thoughts got interrupted when a loud boom emerges within the vicinity. The girls turn to where it comes from and sees that Mayzie's summoned wolf disintegrates.

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