Chapter 7: Calm Before the Storm pt. 2

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The next day...

Shinku and the other S-ranked Magic Royals are currently preparing for a magic duel test which will be held at two weeks prior.

However as they train, Lex and Dan notice that their friend is unusually quiet all throughout their session.

"Hey Lex" Dan calls out to his blonde haired friend, motioning towards their silent friend

Lex nods at him and went by their friend side, "You okay, Shinku?"

Shinku looks towards him and nods, however, this did not convince him. Looking around the place, he sighed,

"It's about Miyuki, isn't it?" Lex asked and his friend looks away instead of responding, "Come to think of it, Fatelyn mentioned something about a mission and they were supposed to be called today, that's why they are both not here, isn't it?"

"Yeah... Miyuki told me that it was an undercover mission" Shinku replied, still not batting an eye contact

"You're not going to burst out to the headmaster for it?" Dan asked as he overheard their conversation, "Knowing you, you don't like putting your girl in danger especially if you're not there to protect her"

He was silent at first until he gives a sigh and said, "I'm actually trying to hold back myself upon walking up towards the headmaster and tell him I'll go along with them, but Miyuki and I already talked about this. I made her a promise to trust on her words upon coming back home safely"

"Ohh, how sweet!" the blue haired boy teased, nudging an elbow towards him

"Quit that!" Shinku glares at him but it only cause him to chuckle, "Let's just continue on our training for today"

"Right cause if you don't, I'm going to kick your sorry butt on the duel test, Shinku" Dan smirked

"Oh we'll see about that, Dan"

Without his friends knowing, Lex is unconsciously clenching his fists causing his knuckles to turn white all throughout the teasing Dan did until he calms himself down and joins them as they continue on their training session.

Little do they know, this peace will break out soon...


"Miyuki Vience and Fatelyn Hikari, as I have said last week you two will be assigned as our spies in the Crimson Kingdom" the headmaster announced

Both friends nodded their head with the resolve of completing this mission successfully. They were both called out to be oriented on the further details of the given task and will be deployed today.

"They will be having an annual festival two days from now and we'll be taking it as our chance to be able to snuck in without getting the suspicions of their higher ups" he continued and brought out two files, placing it on his desk to be seen by the girl's, "These are your profiles when you both get there"

The girls takes one each and observe their supposed to be identities that they will be using once they got there. As Miyuki scans out her profile, a sense of dread lurks out on her stomach,

'I just hope this will be enough to hide my identity from them' she thought

She receive the identity of 'Mina Furie', a wind magic user with a blonde hair and blue eyes. Her identity is an orphan commoner with a younger sister.

It says that their parents have passed away due to an accident that were caused by the Glamor Kingdom. Both sisters have survived and got raised in an orphanage.

She looks over at her friend's profile and sees that she will be her younger sister. Fatelyn's identity is 'Lynrie Furie' with the same hair as hers but she has teal eyes instead and has an illusion magic type.

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