Chapter 18: S-Class Magic Royals

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A knock then comes at the door and the headmaster goes to open it. He greets the person in front of the door, they both exchange words, leaving his students curious until he usher that person in.

As soon as the person enters, Kourtney grumbles when her eyes falls on him,

"LIL SIS!!" He shouted loudly

"Lil sis?" Rensuji asked, "You have a brother?"

"Yes, a loud one at that!... ARGH GET OFF!!" Kourtney replied trying to take her brother away from her when he suddenly jumps over to hug her

"But you were gone for so long, of course your big bro misses you" her brother pouts

"Shut up and stop embarrassing yourself please" she sigh, "Why are you even here?"

"Oh, I'm here for my report about my recent mission" he looks over the trio and shakes Hiroshi's hands as he is in the center, "Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Dan Seomie, the older brother of Kourtney"

"Seomie?" Hina ask, confused, "But if you're siblings, aren't you supposed to have the same surname? Then why is he Seomie and your Stan, Kourtney?"

Kourtney sigh, "I did forgot to mention it to you all yesterday, but like I said I'm a hidden royalty. I thought it was obvious that my identity was fake?"

Seeing as they shake their heads, she sigh again, "Alright, my real name is Kourtney Seomie. I did not change my first name because luckily my name is common in your town plus the fact that it wasn't leak to the enemies, only our surname did and yes he is my brother"

"What a great reunion indeed!" The headmaster interrupts, "Dan, why don't you accompany your sister on giving a tour for our new transferees"

"Will do, headmaster!" Dan happily agrees while his sister just grumbles

As soon as they get over their shock, the trio join the siblings go over towards the door, ready to leave. However, before they could step out, the headmaster calls out,

"Oh and congratulations you three, you just meet one of the S-class today" he smirk

"Wha-?!" The trio gasp and Dan winks at them as soon as he gets what the headmaster words mean

"Nice to meet you, my fellow students!" he teasingly greeted

"Is he the one you mentioned earlier, headmaster?" Rensuji ask, "The one who surpassed the limits of the test?"

Sen just laughed out loud causing them to be confused, "Nope, try guessing again next time"

"Oh that!" Getting the hint, Dan joined in with the headmaster, "I admit I may be strong in terms of my affinity but it's nothing compared to his strength, he's way out of my league. I only ranked 5th in the S league tier while he is on top of us all"

"Only 5th?" The shock on Rensuji's face was beyond words which only causing them both to laugh again

"If you all want to see the power scaling of the S tiers, then you should watch the main event that will be held tomorrow. Observe and see for yourselves as to why he's on top" Dan proudly said

"Right, the dual test!" The headmaster excitingly said, "It's great that you all have arrived here today and not tomorrow or you would have missed that-"


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude but we still have a job to do" Kourtney said after clearing her throat as she catch their attention

"Right, of course" the headmaster replied, "Alright, run along now and all of you get some rest. I'll be awaiting for your improvements, you three"

With that said, they bid their farewells towards the headmaster and they left the room.

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