Chapter 17: The University of Magic Royals

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In the park, Kourtney is sitting in one of the bench. Beside her are Hina and Rensuji, who arrived just a moment later after her. They were only waiting for one more person before they go.

Speaking of that person, Hiroshi finally arrives and approach them.

"You're late" Rensuji casually tease

"I didn't expect you to come, Ren" he respond

"Hey!" His red haired friend whine, "I'm here because this is a rare chance to witness the magic world, you know?"

"You sure it's not because of what I think why, Ren?"

Rensuji's face went red when Hiroshi mentioned that and stutters, "O-of course not. I'm not like Hina who came here because she's worried about you"

"Hey, that's not true" Hina interjects, "Don't include me in your nonsense, Ren. I came here to control my magic!"

She rolls her eyes at him which cause him to laugh. Hiroshi smiles at them and begins to reminisce what occurred earlier before he got here.


"I know it sounds fictional but I already know, mom. You don't have to hide it from me"

"Hide what?!"

"We're not an ordinary people, aren't we? Please, mom" He pause and looks at his mother in the eye, "I just want to know the truth"

Linzie turns back at the kitchen and sees her husband nods at her, she sigh, "Yes you're right, Hiroshi. We aren't the same with the people here, we are a royalty with an immense mana. I chose to hide it from you so that you can live a peaceful life"

"Peaceful life?! So being kept in the dark is what peaceful looks like now?"

"Hiroshi!" his dad interrupts and he lowers his head in shame

"I'm sorry" he quietly apologize to his parents

"It was for your own good, Hiroshi" his mother steps forward towards him, "We wanted to protect you from the opposing kingdom whom where the ones that cause you to lose your memories"

That got him to look up and ask, "What do you mean by that?"

"10 years ago, one of the shadow forces of the Crimson Kingdom attack you and had cause your magic force to become unstable. I had no choice but to seal it to avoid it going berserk, yet at the cost of your memories"

"So my encounters with these shadow forces now cause the seal to break. Hence, why I can use magic?"

"You were attacked?" his dad asked

"Uh... Yes, yesterday at the ball" he sheepishly replied

Hisoshin sighed and let his wife to continue, "Yes but the seal hasn't been broken yet, it has only been weakened. You, not regaining memories yet is the proof of it because once the seal breaks, your memories of the past will return to you" his mom replied

Hiroshi didn't respond as he takes his moment to digest all the information he got from his parents.

"If you really want to go, then I won't stop you. Just promise me one thing, Hiroshi" Linzie interrupts her son's thoughts

He look up at his mom and waited for her to finish her statement,

"Promise me you won't do any reckless things and you'll come back home safely"

"I promise, mom"

<End of Flashback>


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