Chapter 6: Calm Before the Storm pt. 1

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As soon as Miyuki got home, she immediately called out to her parents.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home" she said and looks all throughout their house for them, "Where are you?"

"Up here at Hiroshi's room" her mother's reply came

She hastily got up the stairs and busted in her brother's room. She just hope that the door didn't break from bursting her way in.

"What happened?" She immediately asked as soon as she saw her mother wipes her brother's sweat, who was lying unconscious on his bed

In response, Mr. Vience told their daughter what Hiroshi's friends had told them earlier. Upon listening to his father's story, a look of worry is evident on her face all throughout the talk.

"After I got him into his room upon your mom's request, his temperature suddenly went up and he has yet to gain conscious" he explained

"Then this dark magic aura must have affected the seal and due to that, Hiro's magic force is causing a strain on his body, is that it?" Miyuki looks for an affirmation from her parents

Her mother sadly nods, "The only thing we could do now is hope that he'll recover and his magic force will calm down"

There was a silent pause between the Vience family members until a thought struck Miyuki,

"Maybe I can try using my magic to calm it down, just enough to avoid causing a strain on him, Mom" she suggested

Their parents look at each other and nodded. Seeing as they affirmed, she begins to gather up her magic force, slowly activating her power while Mrs. Vience left her son's side in order for Miyuki to cast her magic.

"Wind Magic" she started, the wind's breeze surrounding her, "Silent Breeze"

Air flows towards Hiroshi, engulfing him causing his cold sweats on his face earlier to dry up. Moments later, the wind dispersed and their mother went towards his side.

She checks upon his temperature and sighs in relief. She looks over her concerned husband and daughter and smiles at them.

"It work, his fever has gone down. He might take a day to wake up but he'll be alright. He just needs to recover from the strain his magic force had inflicted on him" she told them

Both of them looks relief as they got to know that Hiroshi will be alright thanks to Miyuki's power.


A day and a half have passed ever since that day when they brought Hiroshi back home, they haven't seen him since then. Even in today's class, he didn't show up, causing both of his friends to worry about his current state of well-being.

During lunch time, Rensuji meets up with Hina on the rooftop of their school,

"Ren!!" Hina called out as she enters, holding two juice boxes

Rensuji turns around and accepts the drink from her, "Thanks Hina"

He thank her and looks back towards the fenced wall of the rooftop. Hina joins him and takes a sip of her strawberry juice drink.

She looks over at her friend and ask, "So, why did you call me here for, Ren?"

"Has Hiro contacted you yet?" he asked instead of giving a reply

Hina sighs, "No, he hasn't" she puts her drink down with a sullen face

There is a small silence between the two friends as they let the wind's breeze pass by them, until it was broken by a certain irritated red haired,

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