Chapter 9: Shinku's Nightmare

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When they saw the figure look towards them, they saw her crimson red hair sticks out from her cloak.

"You're..." Fatelyn points towards her, her hands shaking as a sudden fear creeps out of her spine

While Miyuki widens her eyes, when the words that the hooded figure said comes out,

"Long time no see, Miyuki"

"How did you know about Miyuki?" Fatelyn asked, overcoming her fear

"Oh you didn't know?" The woman grins, "Of course I know her she's-"

Before she could finish her own words, she got knock back by Miyuki's kick. She was thrown back at a nearby building, creating dust all over her. While Miyuki stands over her, with her eyes hidden behind her bangs as she clenches her fist.

The woman gets up, chuckling, "You haven't changed at all, Miyuki"

As she looks up, the cloak over her head went down, revealing her dazzling crimson red hair and eyes. She lunges at her, aiming to strike her at her stomach but Miyuki holds her defenses.


Fatelyn's words got her off guard which cause their enemy's attack to pass through her defenses, knocking her at a distance.

"I'm quite surprised that you didn't even tell your dear friend here" she said as she faces her purple haired friend, "How clever of you, Miyuki. What if I kindly do the job for you?"

"S-stop it Solace!!" Miyuki grunts, as she stands over

Solace looks over at her and said, "Why should I-"

She pause on her mocking towards Miyuki as she blocks Fatelyn's kick with her arm.

"How rude" she grabs her leg and throws her towards her friend, "I'm still talking"

Miyuki helps her friend up as she coughs out blood from the throw, "Fatelyn"

"I-I'm alright" instead of accepting her friend's help, she stands up on her own

"Fatelyn, I'm sorry I-"

"It's alright, Miyuki" she looks over at her and smiles, "I know and I understand, don't worry"

"Fatelyn..." Miyuki's eyes glisten as tears are starting to fill it up

"I still kinda like how you call my Lyn, you know?" Her giggles made her friend go along and wipes the evident tears on her eyes

"You became too soft now, Miyuki" Solace interrupts the two

"I don't care what you'll tell me Solace" Miyuki replies, "Just don't you ever hurt those dear to me"

"Really now? She won't even look at you if she knows who exactly are you"

"Miyuki's my friend, no one's telling me otherwise" Fatelyn joins in, "If she didn't tell me about it, then I know there's a reason for it and I'm willing to wait until she tells me herself"

She summons her bow and fires the arrow at her. Solace sighs and scoffs as she dodges it with no effort at all.

"Tch, this is why I hate friendship" she hissed and hungs her head low. Her aura then leaks out of her body and the ground underneath her cracks

"They make me sick... Despair magic" she mutters as dark tendril-like magic comes out of cracks

Both girls backs away from her as her magic grows over time until she chanted the last words on her spell,

"Creeping Fear"

"FATELYN RUN!!" Miyuki shouts as she pushes her friend away from the incoming tendrils

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