A Warm Welcome

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Aemma had every intention to forget her night with Aemond, all they did was lay together his hand caressing her face and that's it. It felt like she did something wrong, she should not have been in that room alone with him. Aemma knew it was wrong, yet it felt so right, Aemma was not like her family, she never saw the greens as her enemy. Truth is Aemma loved the king and the queen and she loved both her families, including Helaena.

"Helaena." Aemma's voice was low, Helaena was big and with child, staring out the window ignoring the world around her. Helaena snapped her head to her friend at the sound of her voice. Only Aegon and Aemond knew of the princess's arrival at this point. Helaena's face lit up and tears of joy welled in her lilac eyes, Aemma felt tears in her eyes as well, it had been eleven moons past since the two young women had seen each other last.

"Are you actually here or am I finally going insane?" Helaena chocked out between the tears standing up from the chair in which she sat.

"You've gone mad." Aemma rushed to her best friend stopping her from taking another step in this condition, they threw their arms around each other both crying now, the two were so caught up in each other they had not seen Aegon and Aemond enter the room watching them.

"I can't believe you're actually here." Aemma helped Helaena back to her chair, sitting on the end between Helaena's legs.

"You asked me here, as soon as I got your letter, I came for you, you needed me." Aemma informed the princess, Helaena was more than happy.

"Your mother let you?" Helaena questioned, she knew how her elder sister felt about King's Landing.

"Yes." Aemma paused briefly, Helaena was waiting for the other shoe to come drop, "Under the condition I meet with suitors." Haelaena chuckled at that, she knew Aemma did not want to marry.

"You? Getting married?" Aemma smirked at Helaena, she shook her head no.

"I agreed to meet, that is all." Aegon cleared his throat interupting the two friends, both their heads shot in the direction of Aemond and Aegon.

"Aegon." Aemma growled angry at him for his play the night before, Aemond was staring at the princess he had in his bed.

"Nice to see you again, princess." Aemma rushed to him very angry, she quickly slammed Aegon against the table next to the three holding him by the throat, Aemma lowered herself to his face.

"Try that again, I dare you." Aemma warned, Aegon's smirk never faded, he stared at the princess with even more lust than before.

"Don't tempt me with a good time." Aegon breathed out almost kissing Aemma, Aemma jerked back dropping Aegon on the table where he rolled his back slapping the hard floor. Aegon was not mad, he liked the effect he was having on his niece, he liked the chase.

"Aemma.." Aemond grabbed Aemma's hand checking her body to see if she was alright, "you're okay." Aemond placed a hand against the back of her head, at that moment in time it felt like no one else was in the world, only Aemond and Aemma.

"You are welcome, brother." Aegon's voice broke the moment pulling them back into reality. Aemma said nothing, she strode back by Helaena smiling at her, but Helaena's eyes told her she needed to know more.

"Take a walk, shall we?" Helaena offered as she grabbed Aemma's hand, Aemma helped the princess to her feet, her belly so big for Helaena's small frame.

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