A Dream Written in Stone

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You never love anyone like you do your child


The triplets had only been in the world for two days, her whole family was here visiting the new babes. All anyone in the whole seven kingdoms was talking about was the Targaryen triplets, this was a symbol for a new era. Aemma loved her children more than life itself, she did not truly live until the first moment she laid her eyes on her children.

Aemma lifted her eyes open, having gotten the best rest she may have ever known. How long had she been asleep? Who was caring for the twins? Aemma pulled herself up still sore from giving birth only two days prior. Her eyes searched her and her husband's chambers for sign of life. Where was her husband? Where was her children? Laughter filled the room and distinct voices kissed Aemma's ears. Aemma placed her feet on the floor pulling her self out of the bed, following the voices.

The voices led her to the balcony and the sight Aemma saw warmed her heart, it made every thing worth it. Aemond, Jace, Rhaenyra and Daemon were on the balcony with the three triplets laughing at the babes and talking amongst themselves. Aemond was talking to her family, he was being friendly and she wasn't even there to make him.

"Stealing away my children?" Aemma joked causing all four to turn to stare at her, smiles still high on their faces.

"You were sleeping so peacefully, I dared not to wake you." Aemond turned to his wife, Alysanne in his arms, the two girls resembled their father whilst as their boy, their only boy resembled his mother.

"Yes, we came to visit with you and Prince Aemond was trying to care for all three by himself." Rhaenyra smiled from Daemon in her arms to her eldest child, Jace held Elaena, Aemma was overjoyed to find all her family getting along. Daemon looked Aemma up and down looking for any signs she was not in fact alright, yet found none. Aemma had slept longer than she ever had before, she slept half the day away.

"You slept a long while, are you feeling alright?" Daemon had to ask, he needed reassurance Aemma was fine, the sight of his daughter half dead on the birthing bed only two days prior still stuck in his mind.

"Yes, father." Father. It rolled off her tongue so easy, yet here she was saying it for the first time in front of Aemond, he paid no mind to it. All three of her family members glared at her, Rhaenyra was worried Aemond would say something, tell his mother.

"My beautiful wife, how I've missed you." Aemond placed a kiss on Aemma's forehead, before resting his forehead against hers, Aemma smiled at the gesture, taking Alysanne from his arms.

"And I you." Aemond pulled away from his wife, placing a kiss on little Alysanne's head.

"I must be off to see my mother, do not forget father has planned to meet the babes." Aemond told his wife, whom nodded at his words, "Princess Rhaenyra, Prince Daemon, Prince Jacaerys, I do thank you for your help this morning."

"It was a delightful morning." Rhaenyra smiled genuinely, she seemed to like her brother more with every meeting, especially seeing how he was to her daughter, he truly loved Aemma. Aemond kissed Aemma on the lips before exiting the balcony, Aemma sat where Aemond had been seated.

"Thank you for helping my husband, all of you. I know how you feel about the greens." Aemma rocked the small child in her arms, Jace's words shocked the princess.

"It was not horrible." All eyes turned to Jace, "as mother said, it was a delightful morning, Aemond has changed, Sister, I suppose because of you." Daemon did not trust the prince still, yet was thankful for the love the prince bore his eldest daughter.

"it brings me happiness to hear that, I do hope one day, my family will be whole." Daemon smiled at his daughter, he wanted her to be happy always.

"You're siblings should be arriving shortly." Daemon reminded his daughter, the smile spread bigger across Aemma's face, she hadn't seen her siblings in a long while, this would be a very joyous week for the princess.

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