The Mighty Have Fallen

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Aemma awoke an hour before sunrise, still wrapped in Addam's grasp. After Addam had her in ways only a husband should a wife, the two talked, and laughed until they found sleep. This time, Aemma had felt no guilt. No guilt for the man she once felt everything for. Aemma was on a narrow road leading only one way and behind her was the person she once was. The person who defied the crown to marry Aemond Targaryen in traditions of their house rather than in a sept. She had left her behind too.

Aemma slipped from his grasp carefully not to awake him. She dressed herself in a dress as dark as night. Her hair she had brushed it, yet she let it fall loosely around her, her curls hanging down her back. Aemma eyed the mess she had made of her chambers the day before. Making a mental note to have it cleaned later, Aemma fumbled through the darkness for the box she had found the day prior. Aemma slipped Aemond's navy blue cloak over her, before slipping from her chambers with the key in her hand and a dagger at her side.

There was a guard posted outside the dowager queen's bedchambers where Alicent Hightower had been confided, clad in golden chains on her wrist and ankles. The only person permitted to see the dowager queen was Queen Rhaenyra, but Aemma would not allow that to stop her. She had this key in which only Alicent held answers for. Aemma did not hate Alicent, how could she? Alicent was like a second mother to her, her whole life, she could not bring herself to hate the woman, no matter her crimes. Alicent had been used as a pawn by every man in her life, this much Aemma knew as she had seen it.

A noise sounded out through out the hall causing the guard to snap his head in the direction opposite of Aemma, giving her the perfect opportunity to go for the kill. Aemma pulled a dagger strapped to her side, coming up quickly behind the guard. She gave him no time to turn around, only reached around and sliced his throat. The guard grabbed his neck as he hit his knees, but it was no use, within seconds he was dead. Aemma fumbled for the keys at his side, the key to Alicent's chambers and her shackles.

It would not be long before the dead guard was discovered, Aemma knew she had to act fast. The princess stuck the key in the door unlocking it as she pushed the door open to see Alicent awake in a green dress, the shackles hanging heavy on her.

"Princess-what-what is the meaning of this?" Alicent asked as Aemma rushed to her with the keys in hand.

"No time to explain, we must go. I need your help." Aemma shoved the key in the shackles freeing Alicent from her restraints, the dowager queen rubbed at her wrist as they were free at last.

"I do not wish to leave. I must stay. Rhaenyra and I once shared a love for one another and perhaps I may persuade her to spare my sons." Alicent uttered, she truly believed if enough time had passed, she could sway Rhaenyra to spare her boys.

"Tell me you are not so foolish to believe that, Alicent. My brothers have been murdered, my son slain, Princess Rhaenys murdered." Aemma took a breath, "Your sons must die." Aemma grabbed Alicent by the arm to ushered her out of her chambers. A cloak was hanging, Aemma threw it at Alicent to place on.

"I will not leave." Alicent argued, causing Aemma even more anger than she had hoped to have at this time of the morning.

"Do not worry. You shall be back, I only need a favor." Alicent placed the cloak on as Aemma and her fled her chambers. The two crept down the long hall and down the stairs of the Red Keep as Aemma searched for a place they could privately speak. At last, Aemma found an empty room, shoving Alicent into the room where the two could speak alone.

"Speak." Alicent demanded, Aemma reached in her cloak pulling out the bronze key she had found in Aemond's letter. "Where did you get this?"

"I found it among Aemond's things with a letter. It stated you knew what to do with it." Aemma explained, yet she couldn't help, but wonder. Why she was putting so much effort to find something a man she claims to loath left for her.

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