Ice, Fire, and Blood

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It was a turn of the moon when Aemma learned she was with child, Aegon's child. It was another turn of the moon before she told him. He had planned to leave her on Dragon Stone while he secured his throne. She could not have that. He could not fall unless she was with him.

"I am with child. I had wanted to wait and surprise you, but you mustn't leave me here. Not with our child growing inside of me." Aemma took Aegon's hand and placed it upon her belly, she was about two months pregnant.

"A son?" Aegon asked, his eyes lit up, he stared at his queen, he was walking now. Though not like he was, but he was walking.

"A son." Aemma declared pressing her forehead to his as she kissed his lips. "I can not stand to be parted from you, not when I feel much for you." And that was all she had to say for him to agree to bring her with him. She had learned much about Aegon during their time together, she knew exactly how to manipulate him and how to play him. She was learning his mind inside and out and that would be his downfall. Aemma Velaryon would be his downfall. She had dreamed it. She had seen it every time she looked at his vile face.

When Aegon sailed from Dragonstone, he was not alone. His "loving" queen was ever by his side, Ser Marston Waters, Ser Alfred Broome, the two Toms, Prince Aegon the younger, Princess Vaella, Princess Alysanne, Jaehaera, Lady Baela, and the babe, Jaenyra. They sailed upon an old battered trading cog called mouse, captained by Marilda of Hull, escorted by twelve Velaryon war galleys. King Aegon ii had returned to King's Landing and the iron throne, he had wed Aemma Velaryon, his half-sister and enemies daughter and heir. Yet the war had not ended, Rhaenyra's allies were gathering, Cregan Stark and the north was coming for Aegon, they had not departed yet, but an army was massing.

Aemma was rarely apart from the King, especially when he held court, she stood at his side while he sat on the throne. She was at his council meetings, Aegon had even rarely drank, he was a different person than the Aegon she had once knew. There was nothing he could do to make her love him, all she felt was hate for Aegon, she only hid it well. Aemma was biding her time and waiting for Cregan Stark, when the wolves came for Aegon's head, she would take him out from within and Cregan would see her to the iron throne.

Her hand curled around Aegon's, their fingers laced, he sat in his chair and she stood at his side, one hand on her belly that was barely showing. She was now three and a half months pregnant. Time was passing by rather too slow, for her likes. She was still haunted by Aemond and the fact that she had to slay him. Her heart was still broken, but she could not let her heart get in her way now. She kept her mind busy and on the planning of her revenge. It's the only thing that kept her sane, that kept her mind off of all those she had lost.

The shepherd screamed as the fire took him, he was bound to his treasonous followers as they all burned together.Amongst the Shepherd and his supporters burned the five dragon heads of the dragons slayed. "They slayed all those dragons, so many died because of him. He did that. The Shepherd has weakened House Targaryen more than it has ever been, not including the war." Aemma was disgusted, in this moment she felt vulnerable, she let Aegon see her for once.

"We bring them justice. The two halves of House Targaryen now one, the day I wed you and now The Shepherd dead. We brought justice for the realm, the war and the slain dragons." Aegon smiled up at Aemma, whom smiled down at him. The sun was going down, taking all light with it.

"Your Grace, let us retire for the night. The realm awaits more Justice to be served on the morrow." Aemma had Aegon wrapped around her finger in a way Helaena never could. Helaena and Aegon shared no love for one another and he had her hid away on Dragonstone, hidden from the world. The realm thought Queen Helaena had died, it helped bring about the downfall of Queen Rhaenyra and gave Aegon a new wife.

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