A Day of Mourning

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Broken hearts and hidden lies


Thousands had died in the war known as The Battle in The Gullet, not a single death was felt as sharply as Prince Jacaerys, second son of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Ser Laenor Velaryon. The whole of Dragonstone felt this hit only a moon past after losing its beloved Princess Aemma, first born daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Ser Laenor Velaryon. Many had thought Jace and Aemma to be twins as much as the two were together, no one had felt her loss harder than Jace.

Hugh Hammer and Ulf the White drank in a tavern to their victory in the slaughter, both of them celebrating as they had ridden dragons to war and lived to tell the tale. Nettles, a young girl, presumed to be the daughter of Daemon Targaryen did not share the celebrations, fore she had killed as many men as them, burned as many ships and fought as hard. Her skin was dark from smoke and her face streamed with tears when she was embraced in Baela's arms that night, both mourning the Prince they both had loved fiercely.

Upon returning the Seasnake was greeted and congratulated on his victory, but Lord Corlys felt no victory, he had lost thousands, his skin was covered in the black smoke, his clothes wet from water and blood from the men he had slain.

"If this be victory, I pray I never win another." The Seasnake had said, his heart was aching from all the losses they had faced, especially, Jace, his grandson. News had also rang in from the reach of a battle fought and won by Daeron Targaryen and his dragon, Tessarion, The Blue Queen.

"At least, they are together now." Rhaenyra had said when she learned of her son's death, "My sweet children, killed for my war."

The Velaryon fleet had lost a third of its strength after the bloody battle, Prince Viserys was assumed lost as well, he was not found after the battle, not a single sign of him. Rhaenyra had lost three sons and two daughters for her war, but the queen was not wallowing in despair, she had a newfound strength in the rage she felt. A council meeting was held to address the defeat in the reach and the next course of action.

"My Queen, mayhaps the time has come to bend our knees to King Aegon II. I do not see another option for us." It was Lord Bar Emmon whom was brave enough to make this suggestion, the room fell silent as they knew what their queen's response would be. Rhaenyra shook her head as she stared at the painted table.

"Never will I bend the knee to my half brother, the usurper. He is no King. I am your lawful Queen, am I not, Lord Emmon?" All eyes were on Lord Emmon as they waited for his response, Rhaenyra was colder than she had been before, the death of her children had hardened her heart and created a new era for the Queen. She felt only anger and rage, not the loving girl she once was.

"Yes, Your Grace."

"Suggest it again and you shall lose your head." Rhaenyra growled at the Lord, "We have more dragons than Aegon. Let us use them, no matter the cost. My daughter's plan was to put all of our dragons against Vhagar, surely Vhagar can not stand an attack against our seven dragons." Rhaenyra looked around the table, all of the dragon riders were there including Helaena.

"This was your Princess's wish. Allow us to honor her and her fallen brother, our Prince Jacaerys. Let us bring Fire and Blood to my brother's, we shall rain fire and death upon them and all whom still support him. " Helaena stood firmly at her Queen's side, the two sisters had grown as close as ever since the losses they had faced, yet Helaena knew there was no way Aemma was dead, she still felt her in her bones.

"I will either tear Aegon from the Iron Throne or die trying." Rhaenyra had declared, the losses the queen had faced had burned away every fear she had faced before. Fire, blood, death, and destruction was all she had left. "Send word to Harrenhal to my husband." The council meeting ended there, no one dared stay behind with the queen apart from Helaena, the queen's most trusted advisor at this point.

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