A Night Out

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It was the same night of the dinner, Aemma had stripped the dress off, only wearing her under dress, Aemma stared out the window at the night sky already missing her family, she missed Jace's laugh when she teased him, Luke's smile when she tucked him in to bed, Joffrey's annoyingly high pitched voice, her mother's warm embrace and Daemon's cockiness. Aemma had missed Helaena terribly as well, on Dragonstone she longed to be with her best friend, no matter where she is there will always be a gaping hole in her heart. Aemma sighed as she leaned against the window seal, that's when she noticed it. A small sack.

Aemma reached in the sack pulling out a letter with only one word on it, "Balarion." It was a meeting place, Aemma found a nice shirt and some black pants. She knew this shirt, it belonged to Aemond, she smelled the shirt breathing in his smell.

Aemma pulled the dress over her head tossing it in a chair. She slid in the clothes the Prince had left for her to wear, these were riding clothes, he must want to go riding with her. There was a green cloak in the bag, Aemma slid it over her head. Aemma slid her boots on before sneaking out of her window, she dropped on the next floor below, she walked quickly to the dragon skull not to get caught.

"I did not think to see you tonight." Aemma heard Aemond's voice, she turned and there he was coming from beside the skull.

"I did not think to be here." Aemma had thought to drown her sorrows of being forced to marry in a cup of wine.

"Yet here you are." Aemond was closer to the Princess now, Aemma nodded her head.

"Here I am, I figured you wanted to drown my sorrows with me." Aemond chucked at the Princess, he shook his head no, Aemma was all too serious.

"I figured you needed some cheering up, so I thought I'd take you out." Aemma was shocked that he cared enough to want to, a smile returned to her face for the first time since dinner.

"I'd like that." Aemond strode towards a secret passage out the red keep, Aemma followed closely behind him, it was very dark and neither had any light, Aemond grabbed Aemma's hand making she they don't separate. Every time his hand met hers, Aemma felt all warm inside and delighted the touch between the two. It wasn't long until they arrived on the streets, Alicent would be angry had she knew the two were out with no guards.

"I feel better already." Aemma whispered to him as they strode down the streets together, there were whores and horny old men, peasants and anyone you could imagine. It was fascinating to see the town after dark, Aemma stopped near a fortune teller.

"Would you like to know your future, girl?" The woman asked, the woman was glaring at Aemond, Aemma and Aemond's hands dropped, Aemma ignored that.

"Yes." Aemma was more than happy to oblige, it was a game after all, not real. The black haired women reached for Aemma's hand staring into her palm. Suddenly the women slightly cut Aemma, her blood dripping down the table on the woman's hand.

"I see it. Love will break its way in your heart changing the course of everything." The woman spoke, Aemma smirked at that.

"I will love then?" Aemma was overjoyed at that, she may get a husband, but she will be loved.

"Love yes. It will be filled with pain and joy." The woman told her, Aemma was confused, why would love hurt me, Aemma brushed off the stupid witch turning back to Aemond whom smiled at her.

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