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Even bastards ride dragons - Aemma Targaryen


With every new loss, Rhaenyra Targaryen felt as if she had mastered the art of grief, each day it was something new, Lord Corlys had turned his back on the Queen sailing to Driftmark to grieve his wife. It had been three weeks since the loss of Rhaenys and Aemond's betrayal, Aemond was acting as Prince Regent, because Aegon was far too broken from Rook's Rest. Aemma had grown a new found hatred for her husband, barely speaking of her husband, yet around her neck was the sapphire choker Alys Rivers had given her and at her side was the dark witch herself. Helaena worried for Aemma like never before.

"She is spiraling and who knows what this witch is doing to her." Helaena had warned Daemon earlier in the week, "I'll kill that bitch if she tries to poison Aemma against us."

Aemma and Alys had taken Shrykos to Driftmark with a proposal to bring Lord Corlys back to the table, he had always loved Aemma as did Rhaenys and Jace knew it had to be Aemma to take the word to him. Shrykos landed on Driftmark where she had been many times before, Aemma climbed down from the dragon lending a hand up towards Alys Rivers to help her down from her dragon.

"Princess Aemma. Lady Alys." A lady in a light blue dress greeted Aemma and Alys, neither of them recognized the lady, Shrykos took back to the sky behind Aemma as Aemma made a face at the lady.

"You are?" Aemma asked coldly, a bit too coldly, but she was in the mood for no games, she only wished to speak to her grandsire.

"Forgive me, Princess. I am Elayne Frey, Sister to Lord Forrest Frey and Lord of the Crossing, Loyal friend to Lord Corlys Velaryon." The Lady Elayne looked at Aemma with a smile, one she did not receive back, Aemma did not like the woman already.

"I do not care which whore Corlys takes to bed, Frey. Where is my Grandsire? I have business with him." Aemma took a step towards Elayne as she spoke, Elayne scoffed softly before composing herself.

"Right this way, Princess." Elayne turned around escorting Aemma and Alys inside of Driftmark to Lord Corlys, the castle seemed much quieter than usual, the air felt much thicker and no longer gave Aemma the comfort it had as a child. The guards opened the doors to Lord Corlys chambers, Aemma followed behind Elayne in to his chambers. Lord Corlys sat in front of the fire, staring in to it with a glass of ale in hand.

"Princess Aemma, My Lord." Lord Corlys turned his head to eyes Aemma, his eyes looked bloodshot as if he were drunk already, but Aemma decided to speak with him anyway.

"Leave us." Aemma demanded, she did not move a muscle as everyone scurried to leave the room, his chambers smelt of booze and Lord Corlys looked as if he needed to freshen up.

"Why have you come?" Lord Corlys questioned as Aemma poured herself a glass of wine, Aemma sat in a chair next to the fire by Corlys.

"Is that anyway to greet your grand daughter?" Corlys shot his eyes to Aemma, his mood was foul as it had been since the death of his wife, whom he loved.

"You know as well as I do you are not of my own blood. Do not take me for a fool, princess. Why have you come?"

"Do not speak so loudly, Grandsire. Your words could be mistaken for treason." Aemma took a sip of her wine, eyes locked on the fire. "You left so abruptly, I did not get a chance to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. The Princess Rhaenys, my grandmother fought bravely and she died bravely, my only regret is that I did not see my own husband for a traitor, it would have saved her life."  Aemma did not let her mind drift to her husband and his betrayal, she had been keeping her mind off her husband and on Alys Rivers. Even the powerful witch could only take away so much pain, sometimes at night when the moon shines the brightest or when all the stars seemed to align staring back at Aemma did she miss her husband.

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