8D Creative's Official Statment

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This is 8D Creatives.

We would like to inform you that our artist Choi Jiyoon has currently broken up with the young actor Yoon Chanyoung.

It has come to our attention that things ended on bad terms and because of this and a few other problems that developed from the relationship, Jiyoon will be going on Hiatus.

We are not sure how long she will be on hiatus, but we know that we are allowing her to take this time to heal and get better.

We would like to thank the fans of OnlyOneOf for being supportive and caring for Jiyoon since the beginning and we promise you that she will be back to engage in group activities whenever she wants to end her hiatus.

Please do not send hate or death threats to either our artist Choi Jiyoon or to the actor Yoon Chanyoung, any that send hate with be haven action taken toward them.

Thank You,

Words: 152

Date: November 9, 2022

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