On The Edge

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I got up that morning feeling depressed like I always did. I wanted to be done with my life. I was so young and had a long life ahead of me but what was the point. What was the point in living life if every day I hated it. I walked out of my room to be stopped by dad. He was drunk as usual and had an angry look in his eyes. "Where you going boy?" He said as I smelled the beer on his breath. "I'm going out to work on my car." After hitting me across the face and throwing me on the ground he said, "No your not. Your going to go clean out the garage then you are going to pick up all my messes." With everything I had in me I stood up before him and said something I never thought I could, "No." As he went to hit me again I was able to grab his fist and stop him. Then I did the unthinkable. I punched him across his face knocking him out cold. It could of been the adrenaline rush from him hitting me or all the years of abuse but none the less it happened. I quickly packed some of my thing and ran to my car before woke up again. I sped off thinking about what he would do to me if he ever caught me again. I kept driving not knowing where I would end up but happy to be away. I found an old motel next to a restaurant that I could stay at. My only hope was that my dad didn't call the law on me. I got settled in my room and got food before I heard a knock on the door. I looked through the peep hole to find my dad standing outside. How did he find me? I know I wasn't that far from the house but still. I remembered I left my car in plain site. I snuck out the bathroom window hoping I could creep to my car unnoticed. I made it to me car watching my dad's every move. He was beating on the door pretty hard. I floored it out of there looking in my rear view mirror to see him standing there. I knew I had to put some distance between me and him. If I go far enough he would give up on me. Not like he hasn't already. I made it to the other side of the state by nightfall. I had started to rain awhile back but now it was pouring. I stopped at a large bridge. I realized that I cant keep running. My dad would either try and find me, send someone to find me, or have the law get me. I had to end it now. I turned my car off, got out and made my way to the bridge. Many time in my life I had thought about ending it but never thought I would actually do it. I got over the guard rail and was ready to jump when all of a sudden I heard a soft, sweet angelic voice say, " Stop! Don't do it!"  

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