From Stranger, To Soul mate

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I got up that morning not knowing where I was. I forgot the events that had happened the day before. I woke to an awful smell of something burning. I put my shirt on and made my way down stairs. I looked in the kitchen to find Lilly running around trying to fix breakfast. I stood in the doorway watching her. She was covered in flour and egg. I couldn't help myself from laughing. She looked up at me embarrassed.

"Sorry I have never really made breakfast before. Why don't we go out somewhere instead?" She said almost slipping in the egg she dropped on the floor.

"I'd like that."

"Okay I'll got get cleaned up and meet you at the car."

I got out to her car waiting on her. I had never been around a girl before. My dad had the occasionally woman around but none like her. She was a sweet innocent young woman. I could see so much light in her eyes. It was odd for me since I had only been exposed to darkness. I laughed when I saw her a mess. That wasn't me. I would never laugh or show emotion. I didn't know what was happening to me. It felt weird inside. I felt sick kind of like going on a roller coaster. When she came out of the house it was like she was walking in slow motion. She was in a flowery summer dress with her dark brown hair flowing in curls. I felt my heart beat out of my chest for the for time in my life. What was this? Was she someone that could be in my life? I had only known her a day so i shouldn't try and rush anything. We got in her car and head to a cafe in town. I couldn't take my eyes off her but I had to try so she wouldn't think I was a creeper. We got to the cafe where only a couple of old men sat at the counter. We got a booth and ordered our food. We had small talk about her school and and her life. We didn't talk much about mine which I was okay with since it wasn't the greatest.

"So Logan what do you want to do with your life? Ever thought about your future and what you want to do?"

"Well I haven't ever thought about it. I have always like to work on cars. I have been doing that since I was a little boy. It was my escape from my dad. So I guess it would be that."

"That would be so good. You would be good at that. You would have to go get your GED and then you could go to school for Auto Body."

"I would like to do that but I'm not smart of that. I would need help." I said with my head down.

"I can help you." She said as she put her hand on mine and smiled.

I was in shock. It felt like I had been touched by an angel. Her hands were soft and gentle. My head started running a million miles an hour. My heart beating even harder than it had earlier. There was a moment where we were locked into each others eyes. I couldn't look away. It was weird for me. Yesterday she was a complete stranger and in a short time I felt like she was my soul mate. Could she be the one?

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