The Battle For Love

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I had never gotten so close to a girl before or anyone for that matter. I stood there in the bathroom looking in the mirror at myself. What was happening to me? I wasn't the person I had been my whole life. I hated the world and everything in it. Was Lilly really changing me? Was my heart going from dark to light? I didn't know what was happening to me. It felt like a fire roaring in my heart. A flame I didn't want to go out. As I got out of the bathroom I found Lilly sitting on the bed. She started smiling and with a bashful look she said, "Good morning handsome". Every time I hear her voice it is like a choir of angels are coming down from heaven.

"Did you enjoy your birthday?" I asked as she started getting dressed.

"It was the best birthday I could ever ask for. All thanks to you." She said as she gave a kiss on the cheek.

"Can I take you to your meeting? I need to get out anyway an grab something." I said as she replied "Yes".

I went down stairs to grab me jacket and keys to find a piece of paper by the door. It looked like it had been shoved underneath from outside. I opened the note to fine a terrifying message, "I found you Logan". I don't know how it was possible but my worst nightmare has come true. He found me and he would probably try and kill me and anyone who got in his way. I had to do everything I could to make sure nothing would happen to Lilly. She came down the stairs so I had to put the note in my pocket before she saw.

"I'm ready to go." She said grabbing her bag and phone.

"Can you wait here while I bring the car around?" I said when I really wanted to see if my dad was hiding outside planning on something.

"Ok it's right over there not very far at all." She said confused.

"I know I don't want my lady to walk any farther then she has too." I said playing it smooth.

"Ok if you insist." She said blushing again.

I got outside and looked all around to see if I could see anything suspicious. Nothing looked out of the ordinary so I checked my car to see if he planted a bomb or anything like that. Nothing had been done I can only assume he just wanted to scare me. I got my car an pulled it the twenty feet closer to the house. Lilly came out and got in the car. I wanted to tell her but I didn't want her to worry and get scared. The looks she was giving me in the car told me she knew something was wrong with me. I tried to keep myself calm and act like nothing was wrong but it was hard. I kept thinking what I would do if anything would happen to her. I would fight for the love of her heart. I would be willing to go to battle for this girl. We got to the college and just as she was walking away I called out her name and ran to her. I gave her a big kiss and hug. Looking her in the eyes I said something I didn't think I was capable of getting out. "I love you Lilly".

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