The Introduction

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I woke up that morning jumping out of the cot. The sound of a vehicle pulling up to the barn sent chills down my spine. I didn't know who it was and thought it could of been Lilly's parents. My nerves were set to a release when I heard that soft sweet voice of the girl I had fallen for.

"Logan, are you here?" She said looking up to the loft.

"Coming down." I said as I slid down the ladder.

"Come with me. I told my dad that I found someone to work for us on the farm so we have to leave then come back in an hour."

"Are you sure about this? What if he finds out I'm staying here in the barn?"

"He's not going to find out because no one goes up to the loft."

We got in her car and drove around for about an hour. We returned to the farm where I could see her dad and mom feeding the horses. I got out the car shaking like an earthquake had just went off in my body. I don't handle being around other people well. Especially when I was hiding something from them. I walked up to her father hand reached out for a handshake.

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Edwards." I said hoping that he would ignore my sweaty palms.

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Parker. Lilly has told us a little about you. You attend the same school as her for Auto body. This that right?" He said as I gave Lilly a slightly confused looked.

"Yes sir that is correct. I am looking for work if you are interested."

"You know son I like you. You look like you have a lot of potentially. Take a walk with me."

We started walking as he showed me the farm and all the equipment. He asked me question about my skills and if I could handle working with the animals and machinery. I told him it wouldn't be a problem. He handed me the keys to his truck. He told me to use the truck to move stuff and horses. I was in shock that he trusted me so much after only knowing me a short time. He told me to be here Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I was happy to help them out especially if it meant I got to see Lilly. I started working on all the things Mr. Edwards has showed me. Lilly came up to me and gave me a hug.

"Thank you for doing this. My dad really likes you."

"It's no problem. I'm happy to help you guys. I'm glad I made a good impression on him."

"You really did. I'll come back and see you in the morning." She said as she gave me a kiss and ran off.

I stood there for a second watching her. She was like an angel sent from above. I couldn't believe someone like her fell for a guys like me. She didn't know anything about my dark past. I think tomorrow I would take her for a ride and tell her everything. 

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