Rekindling The Past

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Seeing Lilly was like a dream. It had been years since I had seen her and yet it felt like it was yesterday that we were young and in love. I stayed up late that night making sure my house was picked up. I wasn't a messy person but it was hard to keep it spotless. I got up early to get ready probably over dressing but I didn't care. I wanted her to be impressed by all that I had done through the years. As I finished wiping off the counters I heard a knock on the door. I went down the hall and to the door. As I opened it I saw the most beautiful girl in the world.

"Good morning. How are you?" I asked inviting her in.

"I'm good. This house is amazing." She said looking around the whole house.

"Thank you. I'm proud to be living here." I said as I gave her a tour of the house.

"Can we go see where you work?" She asked.

"Sure no one should be there so it will be fine." I said grabbing my keys and heading towards the door.

"Oh you did get a new truck. Very impressive." She said as I opened the door for her.

We headed towards town to where the shop was. She was shocked when she saw the size of the building. When I started in was a small building. Now it is a large warehouse with about 100 employees. I had grown a lot over the years. We stopped in front of the building and saw that no one was there. We got out and she couldn't get over the size of the building. We got inside because I had a key since I was partner. When you get in there are different departments for different vehicles. The smaller vehicles are in the front and the larger are in the back. She walked around looking at all the different tools and parts on the tables. It looked like she had never seen anything like it before. It was almost foreign to her. I walked around with her to tell her everything about the job. She seemed to be impressed. As we left decided to go grab lunch the after go back to my house to talk more. After years of not talking there is a lot to discuss. It was about nine at night when we sat on my couch and had a glass of wine. There conversation just started flowing.

"So have you had any girlfriends?" She asked right out of the cannon.

"No I haven't. What about you? Any boyfriends?"

"No nothing serious. I liked one guy but he didn't like me back so I gave up on him." She said taking a sip of wine.

"Lilly can I ask you something?"

"Anything Logan."

"Is the reason you never had any boyfriends because of me?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" She asked kind of confused.

"Did you ever forget about me?"

"No." She said as I leaned in for a kiss. The small kisses turned into passionate kisses. Then before I knew it we were in the bedroom. The passion we had for each other was growing by the second. The love we made was better than that of when we were younger. It had to be because of the passion built up in us over the years. I knew even before this night that I was madly in love with her. We laid there and cuddled till we fell a sleep. That morning I got up before her and made breakfast. I made her whole wheat pancakes, turkey bacon, and organic eggs. I remembered what she liked to eat when we were younger. She got up and came into the kitchen wearing only my shirt that was like a dress on her. She sat down and had her breakfast after she gave me a hug and kiss. It was happening. My life was going the way I wanted.

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