Sentence Too Long

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I couldn't believe he said it. He said the words I have wanted to hear for so long. " I love you too Logan." I said feeling the butterflies going insane in my stomach. How was I suppose to focus after that was said? Luckily I had a short meeting with the teachers so I would be done in a hour. I figured by the time he was done doing whatever he had to do I would be done then I could be with him again. I sat in class replaying that over and over again. He told me he loved me. I wanted to tell everyone but I kept to myself. I got done and waited right where Logan told me to. As I stood there I saw a car parked in the distance. It was kind of beat up and rusted. There was an older looking man in the driver seat. I had never seen him before but didn't think anything of it. Maybe he was here to pick someone up. Shortly after I could hear Logan's car coming around the corner. Once he stopped I jumped in the car gave him the biggest hug and kiss and told him that I loved him too. His face lit up like the sun.

"What did you have to get?" I asked being nosey like I always was.

"Just some food I wanted. How was your meeting?" He said almost like he was trying to change the subject but I went with it.

"It was good. Not to much longer then I will be able to be a registered nurse." I said with excitement.

"I am proud of you Lilly."

I wanted to be home so that I could be with the man I loved. That night we sat on the couch and watched a bunch of girly movies that I liked. As I put my hand on his leg I could feel a wad of something in his pocket. As I reached to get it out he grabbed my hand and told me not to. What was he hiding from me? I knew something was wrong with him all day.

"What is it? What is wrong with you? You have been acting weird all day." I said as I could see he couldn't hold it back any longer.

"I got a letter from under that door today. It was from my dad. He found me an I don't know how. I didn't want you to worry about it." He said pacing in front of me.

"You don't think he will do anything, do you?" I said as the fear started creeping down my spine.

"I don't know. He is crazy enough to. That's why I went and got this." He said as he pulled a pistol from the back of his pants.

I stood up never having seen a gun in real life I was terrified. Then I heard tires squeal outside and glass breaking in the front door. Out of no where a Molotov came flying in the front and setting the house a blaze. Logan grabbed me and took me to the back of the house. We tried to sneak to the front when I was grabbed. I felt a gun pressed against my head and an arm around my chest holding me tight.

"Take one step Logan and I'll shoot her." Logan's dad said to him as Logan pointed the gun at him.

"Don't do it dad. You are here for me not her. Let her go." Logan said as another man appeared from the side of the house.

 "Put the gun down boy you don't have the guts to shoot me." Logan's dad said as Logan pointed the gun at the other guy and pulled the trigger.

I had never seen someone dead before. I almost got sick just at the thought. Logan pointed the gun back at his dad.

"I shot him I will have no problem shooting you too." Logan said as he slowly made his way towards us.

"You shoot me you will have the rest of the boys on you. They wont stop until your dead." Logan's dad said as I heard a gun shot go off.

I felt the grip around my chest loosen and the gun drop from my head. I closed my eyes as Logan came over and held me. Someone had to of called the fire in because the fire department, police an ambulance had arrived. Once the police saw Logan with the guy in his hand they did what they had to do. Logan was arrested and taken into custody. I was taken to the police station to be questioned.

Two weeks had pasted and today the jury would decide the fate of Logan. I sat in the court waiting for the jury to give their verdict. Everyone stood as the judge and jury entered the room and then everyone sat down again. One jury stood ," We the jury find the defendant Logan Parker not guilty of murder in reason of self defense. We the jury find the defendant Logan Parker guilty of possession of a deadly weapon and sentence him to one year in prison." When I heard this my heart sank into my stomach. I was losing my other half. I went up to Logan but was stopped by the police. They wouldn't let me see him until him tomorrow when he would be behind a glass window. It felt like my heart had been tore in half. What would happen to us? Would we still be together after all this?


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