Isolation Of Life

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I had never been behind bars before. Even with my bad passed I had never been arrested. I guess I never got caught before. It felt weird being in here. All I wanted to do was protect Lilly and to do that I can't expect her to wait for me. She can go on living her life with out me. I am holding her back from the great things she could be doing in her life. I had to tell her to go one without me even though it would kill me to do so. It had been a few days of being here and I was trying to settle in. One of the guards came up to my cell and told me I had a visitor. I was cuffed from the front and escorted to the room with the phones on each side of a glass window. I got to the window and saw Lilly sitting there smiling. I grabbed the phone and she did so as well.

"Hi Logan. How are you?" She said with a sad expression.

"I'm doing alright." I said trying to avoid telling her.

"I'm glad to see you. I miss you." She said as a tear rolled down her face.

"Lilly I can't do this."

"Do what?" She said confused.

"This. I can't hold you back any longer. You have to go on and live your life without me." I said trying to hold back the tears.

"Don't say that Logan. I will wait for you." She said the tears on her face more intense.

"If you had one last thing to say to me what would it be?"

"Logan please don't." She screamed in to the phone.

"I love you Lilly." I said as I hung up the phone and walked to the guard.

I could hear her screaming at me which didn't help the situation. It was hard enough to tell the woman I love to leave me. It had to be done. She would be better off finding someone who is good and has a good life.

                                                        One year later.....

I got up that morning hoping that today was the day I would be free. One of the guards came up to my cell and told me it was time for my meeting. I was escorted to room that was old and dusty looking. It was nice to wood walls and floors in stead of concrete. I stood before three people that had stacks of papers in front of them.

"Mr. Logan Parker you have been incarcerated for one year for possession of a deadly weapon. Do you find yourself to be a threat to the public?" One of the men spoke.

"No sir."

"Do you think you are ready to be apart of society again."

"Yes sir. I have learned my lesson." I said as he stamped my paperwork.

"Mr. Logan Parker you are free to go." He said as a guard took me to the offices to give me my things. It felt like forever since I had been in real clothes. I was walked out by several guards to the large fence in front of the prison. As the gate closed behind me I become lost. Where was I to go? What was I to do?   

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