Five Years Later...

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"Logan you done fixing that alternator yet?" I heard from my boss's office.

"Yes just putting the belt on." I said with a sigh.

Ever since I got out of prison I got a job fixing cars. It was what I wanted to do my whole life. I how ever didn't want to fix cars for a jerk of a boss. Not many places with hire someone with a record. I finished my shift and headed to my crummy apartment. It was a run down place but it was all I could afford. I sat on my couch with my beer and dinner and watched TV. This was a typical day for me. Go to a crappy job with a crappy boss then come home to a crappy apartment. My life was for sure going down more than it had. On the table next to my couch I found a picture of Lilly. It was taken a few days before I went to prison. Even though it had been six years since I have seen her I still think about her. I know I told her to forget about me but I hope deep down she hasn't. After I got out I thought it would be best for me to move away. I didn't want to take a chance of her finding me. Like almost every night I drank myself to sleep to numb the pain.

I woke up dropping bottles on the floor and stumbling into the kitchen. I had a headache that I was use to feeling. I made a cup of coffee to get rid of the pain. This was the same routine I did every single day. I was tired of doing this same thing everyday. I wanted something better something more in my life. I grabbed the local paper to see what I could find as far as jobs. I found someone looking for a business partner in auto mechanics. I was perfect for the job. I found the address and made my way over to see if I could get the job. Working as a partner would be better than working as a small time mechanic. I sold my car to get a motorcycle. I got to the address which was a small warehouse. I went in and no one was in there. I could see a light on up in an office. I went up to find a short skinny man going through papers.

"Can I help you?" He said his voice deeper than I thought.

"Hi I'm here about the job for a mechanic." I said showing him the ad.

"Ok great. Do you have an degree in the field."

"No sir I do have four years working for a company and been working on cars since I was a young boy." I said confident that I could get the job.

" I'm sorry sir but if you don't have a degree I have to find someone more qualified." He said as he walked out of the office an out of the building.

I sat there for a few moments thinking I was never going to find anything. I was going to have to go back to my old life. I got outside to find him having trouble with his car. Ironic how a guy who works on cars is having trouble. I walked over to him, " Need some help?" I asked not wanting to help but felt like I needed to. "Yeah I don't know why it wont start. I don't work on cars I run the business." I looked to find the belt was shot. I was able to fix it and get his car started. "You should be good to go." I said as I started walking over to my motorcycle. "You got the job." I heard as if angels had cried out. "What?" I said in shock. He walked over and shook my hand. "Welcome to Jake's Automotive, I'll see you on Monday morning." He said as he got in his car and drove off. I couldn't believe that I was going to change my life around. I was going to be a new person.

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