Out to the Shed

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The two weeks he was here went by fast. I got a call from my mom saying that they were only a couple hours away. I had considered asking my mom and dad if he could stay. I know the answer would be no so that wa sout of the question. I helped him pack up his things. He didn't have much. Only the clothes that I had bought. We packed it all up in my dad's pickup truck and headed down to the barn. We got there and the horses started running from the noise of the diesel truck. I showed him up to the loft where no one ever went. I got him settled on a cot and is clothes in a bin.

"I hope this will be alright for awhile. I am going to ask my parents if you can work here on the farm. You can save money so you can get the education you want."

"You have done so much for me Lilly. I feel wrong accepting it all."

"Do you like me?"

"What?" He said looking confused.

"Do you like me?" I said again only louder.

"Um...... Yes very much so."

"Then don't feel bad because I like you too."

I couldn't believe I had fallen for him. He was the complete opposite of me but I think that is why i was falling for him. He had something about him I wanted. I couldn't figure it out but I was determined to. I walked closer to him as he started to back off. "Don't" he said as I kissed him. What was going to be a short peck turned into a romantic passionate kiss. Seeing as neither of us had ever kissed anyone that was an amazing first kiss. As he opened his eyes slowly I could see a bit of light in his eye I didn't see before. I told him I had to go before my parents got home but I would be back every day. I got in the truck and drove home looking in my rear view mirror at the barn. I couldn't believe that I kissed him. I didn't regret it in fact I wanted more. I made it home twenty minutes before my mom came flying in the door. She gave me a big hug and kiss. We sat down at dinner that night and my mom and dad asked me lots of questions.

"So what did you do while we were gone honey?"

"Oh just the normal stuff. School and hanging with friends. Nothing out of the normal happened."

I went to my bed that night missing him so badly. It was weird that I had only known him a short two weeks but I had fallen madly in love with him. He was like a drug that I needed and didn't know why. I felt so bad about leaving him out in the barn. I hoped he knew that I cared for him and wanted the best for him.

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