The Early Departure

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That night was full of talking and planning the future. I know I popped that question fast on her but I don't want to wait around. I want to be hers and I want her to be mine. We fell asleep on the couch because of the late night planning. We got up that morning early enough for her to get ready before she left. I didn't want her to leave but I knew it wouldn't be long before we would see each other again. She did her hair and makeup as I watched. She was beautiful even with no makeup and messy hair. Standing in the kitchen I gave her sweet passionate kisses and hugged her so tight. "I love you Lilly" I said as she said the same back. As I went in for one more hug I heard a knock on the door. "It's probably the mailman" I said walking to the door looking through the glass to see it wasn't the mailman. It was my worst nightmare. It was like Deja vu all over again. There were two of my dad's men outside. After all these years they found me. "Lilly run out the back, get in your car and don't look back. GO!" Is all I could get out before the front door busted up and the two men came flying in with guns pointed at me.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Logan Parker. You are a hard man to find." They said as a third entered the back holding Lilly. She was struggling to get free but it was no use.

"What do you want?" I asked as the old rage I use to have came back.

"You know what we want. You dead." One of them said as he cocked the gun and walked towards me.

I kept a gun in the cabinet under the sink. I knew I had to save Lilly first. I jumped back over the counter, almost like a ninja in a movie, and grabbed the gun from the cabinet. I fired the first shot at the man holding Lilly and hitting him. He let go of her as he fell to the floor. I stood to shot the others but found they started pointing their guns towards Lilly. I ran as fast as I could and dove in front of the bullets as I fired my own. All my bullets hit both of them making them hit the ground. I didn't realize but I was hit as well. Lilly came over to me and held me.

"Logan, Logan stay with me." I heard her scream as I came in and out of consciousness.

"Lilly.... I" I said trying to talk but it hurt so much.

"You saved me Logan. You are my hero." She said as the tears ran down her cheeks.

"Don't wait for me ok." I said with my final breathe.

I don't know what Lilly said after that since I had already passed but I can imagine it was something like, "I waited my whole life for you, I will wait the rest of my life."

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