Chapter 2

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Daniel's POV

"Jax Novoa is in a coma. There's no way to tell when he could wake up. It could be days, weeks, months, even years." The doctor frowns. Emma starts to cry and I hug her tightly. Everyone else comforts each other and the doctor tells us that we can visit him now.

"I don't know if I want to see him like that." Andi murmurs, still in Alex's arms.

"Me either." Emma cries into my shoulder.

"We can't just stand here. You guys know what we have to do." Diego points out. We all look at each other.

"Who's going to tell Ari?"

Ariana's POV

"Jax, where are you?" I try to make a simple location spell, but it doesn't work. I'm too weak.

I need to get out of here and go visit him. I need him to smile at me and hold my hand. I need his lips on mine and his eyes to lock with mine.

"Ari?" Someone asks from outside the room. The door creaks open and I see Daniel in the doorway.

"If you're here to make me apologize to Emma-"

"I'm not." He stares into my eyes with sincerity. He walks over and takes the seat next to my hospital bed.

"Well, why are you here?" I snap.

"Ari, I understand that you're still upset and in shock from what happened. But, that's no excuse to snap on everyone that tries to talk to you."

"I don't want a lecture-"

"Well, maybe you need one." Daniel states. I roll my eyes and look down at the IV in my arm.

"That isn't the reason that I came in here, though." Daniel rubs the back of his neck.

"Then why?" I ask.

"We got news... about Jax."

"Okay, you don't seem happy." I feel knots form in my stomach.

"Jax is in a coma." Daniel sighs. My heart aches and I start to breathe heavily.


"They don't know when he will wake up, it could be soon or-"

"This is all my fault." I cry. I place my head in my hands and weep as I feel Daniel wrap his arms around me.

"It is not your fault." He says quietly.

"It's my fault that he was in the building. It's my fault that he came there. If I didn't call him-"

"Then you would be dead by now." Daniel turns my head so that we are making eye contact. "And none of us would know where you were."

"But, now Jax could never wake up. Because of me." I mutter. My doctor walks through the door and gives Daniel and I a strange look.

"Miss Winters, you are free to go. Just take this medication if any pain starts to occur, but other then that, you should be fine." He smiles and then leaves the room.

I get out of Daniel's grasp and hang my legs off the side of the bed. I go to stand up and I stumble, causing Daniel to grab me. He helps me walk until I push him away.

We leave my hospital room and walk toward the main desk to check out. I don't want to look at all of the people around me. All of them are staring at me with their judging eyes. They know that I'm the reason that the man I love is in a coma.

They all know that I killed someone. They all know that I'm a murderer and a lost cause. I chose to run away, I chose this awful fate and now Jax is suffering from it.

"Ari? Ari?" Daniel waves his hand in front of my race.

"I want to see him."

"What?" He asks.

"I want to see Jax."


Ari has some PTSD, obviously. I would too if I got kidnapped and then almost killed... multiple times...

But, anywayssss



~Trinity xoxo

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