Chapter 9

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Natalie's POV

Ariana is more powerful then I thought. Too bad that she's good, if she was evil then we could rule the world together. Wait, that's it.

I grab a book off of my bookshelf and skim through the pages. My mom found all the supreme witch books when she was hunting her down. So, I basically have all the information that I need at my fingertips.

Here it is, back in the 14th century, after years off peace between the chosen one and the supreme witch, the two new witches couldn't get along. As a result, the supreme witch became evil, claiming that she had no other choice and that the supreme ancestors were controlling her.

That's what I'll do, I'll cast a spell to let the ancestors take over Ariana so she'll become evil. And if all else fails, she'll probably end up dead in the end.

Ariana's POV

I reluctantly was standing outside Emma's door. I knew that we needed to make up, she's my best friend, besides Jax.

After hesitantly standing at the door for awhile, I knock and wait for an answer. Emma opens the door and almost closes it before I stop her.

"What are you doing here?" She asks, sounding irritated.

"I wanted to talk to you." I sigh, looking down at the ground.

"What's there to talk about?" Emma snaps.

"Look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for flipping on you."

"I guess I'm sorry, too. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I don't know what's going on with me lately." Emma sighs and I wrap her into a hug. She hugs me back and cries into my shoulder.

"Would you like to come in?" She asks and I nod. We both walk inside and go sit on your couch.

"How does your dad feel about all of this?"

"I don't know. I told him and he said that it was okay, but we haven't spoken much since then." She shrugs.

"How about you? How are you doing?" Emma looks into my eyes.

"I'm alright, Natalie is back and she wants revenge. I'm afraid that she's going to do something-"

"Ow!" Emma screams, grabbing her stomach.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask.

"My water... it just broke." She says.

"Oh god, oh god! I'll help you to the car, where are the keys?"

"On the counter!" She yells and grabs her stomach again. I'm assuming her contractions are hurting. I sprint to the counter and grab the keys, walking Emma out to the car afterwards.

"Hurry!" She yells as I climb into the driver's seat. I dial Daniel's number and pull out of the driveway.

"Hey, Ari. What's up?" Daniel says into the phone.

"Emma's water just broke. Get everyone to the hospital ASAP!" I say and I hear the phone hit the ground.

"Daniel!" I yell into the phone. I hear fumbling on the line and him pick the phone back up.

"I'm-I'm on my way." He hangs up and I focus on driving Emma to the hospital.


I pull into the parking lot and help Emma out of the car. She keeps on making noises that show that she's in pain and I feel awful.

We walk through the main entrance and Emma starts to yell, getting the attention of everyone in the room.

"I'm having a frickin baby!" She screams and nurses rush towards us. They put Emma in a wheelchair and wheel her down the hallway. They tell me to stay in the waiting room until she is in labor.

"Ariana, there you are! What's going on? What's happening?" Daniel frantically sprints in my direction.

"Calm down, Daniel. They said they'll bring us back once she goes into labor." I say and pull him down into the seat next to me. He's breathing heavily and I try to calm him down.

Jax struts through the hospital doors with a Starbucks bag and drinks in his hands. I give him a look and he shrugs.

"Jax, Starbucks? Really?" I snap, already stressed.

"What? Starbucks is a way of life." He frowns, taking a sip of his coffee.

"You're lucky that I love you or I would be lecturing you right now." I chuckle.

"I didn't get you one." He gives me a crooked smile.

"What?" I raise my voice.

"I'm just kidding." Jax hands me a coffee, looking a little afraid.

"I'm dating a white girl."

"Well, at least I'm a pretty white girl." He says leaning down to kiss me. I act like I'm going to kiss him, but then I just take a sip of his coffee.

"How dare you?" He gasps, snatching the drink away from me.

"Kiss me, you goofball." I pull him by his collar to my lips, giving him a short kiss.

"That's adorable, do you two want a room?" Daniel sarcastically says, running his fingers through his hair.

"Here, take a sip of this. Maybe it'll stop you from being so crazy." Jax hands Daniel his coffee. Daniel takes a sip of it and rolls his eyes, trying to act like it's not good. He's miserably failing.

The rest of the gang walks through the doors and all take seats near us. I smile and ask Jax to sit down next to me and he does.

"Emma Alonso?" A nurse says and we all look at her.

"She isn't in labor yet. This will probably take a few hours." She states and we all grown.

This is going to take awhile.


I love the funny Jari moments. I miss them, especially with how serious everything has been. This book isn't even close to being over yet but I wanted to ask everyone something.

Since this is the last book in the New Girl at Iridium High series, would you guys like one more book after this one? It would be about how everyone's kids ended up and how their lives are once they have families.

I'm not sure that I'll be able to write it, but if it is highly requested, then I will really consider it. Just let me know.



~Trinity xoxo

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