Chapter 18

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Jax's POV

"Is this some type of April Fools joke? Because I am certainly not laughing." A voice says from the corner of my bedroom. I jump back at the sudden entrance of Oliver but quickly contain myself.

"No, she's really being held somewhere. She made me see her... I need to find her." I grip my hair and pace around the room.

"Are you sure that you aren't crazy?" He chuckles and I give him a serious look.

"She's dying somewhere and you're just laughing."

"I'm not trying to be insensitive, but you sound insane. We saved Ari remember?" Oliver shakes his head in disbelief. How can he tell me that I'm wrong?

"Then let's go find Emma. I bet that she's under a spell. Natalie did all of this just to get revenge." I clench my fists and head for the door with Oliver following behind me.

"Where are you going?" Natalie, who is pretending to be Ari, asks.

"Oh, I just really thought about what you said, honey. I really want to move the wedding forward. I'm going out tonight with the guys to have a bachelor party." I lie with a smile on my face.

"That's great, baby! Have fun!" She grins and goes back to whatever she was doing. Oliver and I go to my car in the driveway and climb inside.

"Okay, how do we plan on finding her? And how do we manage to get rid of Natalie once and for all?" Oliver asks and I shrug, pulling out of the driveway and starting to speed off.

"Do you think we will need backup?"

"We might. But, we can't ask Daniel to go, he's a father now." I state. Oliver stays quiet for once and I glance over at him, watching him text something to someone.

"Is that my phone?" I ask and he nods, hitting send.

"Alex and Diego are going to join us. I hope they'll be of use." He states and I sigh.

"Oliver, we can't just drag people into this-"

"We need all the help we can get! Drive to Diego's!" He exclaims and I roll my eyes.


"Hey, guys. Long time, no see." Diego smiles as he climbs into the car. Alex gets in, followed by Maddie and I immediately reject the thought of her being here.

"No, Maddie can't come." I state.

"I want to help! I'm a witch, too. I can use my powers." She boasts and I shake my head.

"I tried to tell her not to come, but you know how she is." Diego sighs and Maddie huffs. How these two still manage to make things work is a mystery to me.

"How do we even go about finding her? Can we track the spell?" Alex asks.

"I can try, but it's going to be difficult." I sigh, putting the car in park in order to concentrate. I try to focus on the spell that she casted, seeing a location in my mind. Some abandoned building with an eerie feeling to it, seems right up Natalie's alley.

"An old abandoned building. Grey chipped paint, old shingles, a very distinct cellar..." I say, still envisioning the house.

"I don't know a place like that." Maddie states, looking to Diego. Diego shrugs and we all notice Oliver sitting and thinking to himself.

"This may be a long shot, but it sounds like the house at the end of the road on Sheraton Street." He says and Alex nods.

"Andi and I have been past there a couple times, lots of ghost stories about that place. Legend has it that a mad scientist used to live there who used to do experiments on people... even his own son." Alex tells all of us and I see Oliver's face go cold.

"Oliver?" I ask.

"My parents' house." He looks out the window, trying not to make eye contact with anyone.

"But that happened over 200 years ago." Alex states and we all just look to Oliver.

"I don't know if I can go back there."

"What are you trying to say? That you are the son of the guy that lived there? But that would make you-"

"205 years old." He says dryly. Maddie gasps and everyone else just looks shocked. "It's the perfect place to hold a magical. The cells are destined for that, believe me, I should know."

"Oliver, if you don't want to-"

"No, I know the way." He exhales.

"Let's go save Ari."


Short chapter but they'll get longer! It felt so weird writing this, again, but I'm loving it!



~Trinity xoxo

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