Chapter 6

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Ariana's POV


My head was pounding and my vision was blurry once I opened my eyes. My vision comes into focus as I sit up and press my back up against the wall.

I feel something on my hands and look down feeling my stomach knot at the sight. My hands are drenched in blood as well as my clothes.

I look all over my body, trying to find the gash that all this blood is coming from. I look on my stomach and see a gaping cut, wrapped in a small cloth that came from my pant leg.

I look over at the wall and see a sticky note attached to it. I rip it off the wall and read the note.

"Please don't disobey them, again. I don't know if I will be able to save you next time.


*Flashback over*

I sit up suddenly and hear the pouring rain outside. I look over at my clock and it reads 3:32. I groan and lay back down on my pillow trying to not think about that moment at the testing site.

I couldn't help but wonder who the person that helped me was. Maybe they died in the fire, or maybe they are still out there.

Maybe one day I'll be able to find them and thank them for what they did. But until then, I'm left with the unanswered question... Who is O?

The next day

I was sitting at lunch at a table by myself. Things with Emma and I have been rough ever since we fought at the hospital. She already 8 months along in her pregnancy, so I've decided to not mess with her, considering she's probably already hormonal.

Okay, maybe I was a bit mean to her in the hospital. But, I'm not the only one to blame. She didn't care about me, nobody did, except for Jax.

So, I'm just going to sit here and eat my lunch at a table all by myself. And I'm probably going to hate every minute of it.

Daniel's POV

I felt awful. Watching Ari sit by herself and eat her lunch made me feel like a terrible human being. I look over at Alex and he gives me a pitiful look.

I look around at everyone else and they all are just ignoring the fact that Ari is miserable. I throw my hands down on the table and get the attention of everyone at my table.

"Really, guys?" I snap.

"What are you talking about?" Andi questions.

"Are we seriously just going to ignore the fact that one of our best friends is sitting by herself, probably feeling awful?!" I exclaim in anger.

"She isn't my friend anymore." Emma mutters and continues to eat her food.

"Look, Emma. I love you, but stop being stuck up. Ari is one of your closest friends. You told her that you were pregnant before you told me!"

"I wouldn't of told her if I knew how rude she actually was-"

"You don't know what she went through!" Alex raises his voice, giving Emma a cold stare.

"Who asked you, emo?" Emma snaps and we all gasp. Alex looks down at his hands that slowly clench into fists. He slams them down of the table and stands up.

"You know what? FUCK YOU, EMMA!" Alex screams and storms away to Ari's table. He angrily sits down and doesn't look back at us.

"What the hell, Emma?" I ask.

"What?" She asks as if she hasn't done anything wrong.

"You went too far this time." Andi frowns and everyone agrees.

"I don't even know who you are anymore." Diego frowns and Maddie nods her head in agreement.

"Screw you guys. I don't need you, I don't need any of you!" Emma yells and walks away, catching the attention of almost the entire lunch room.

"I hate this. Why can't everything just go back to the way it was?" I run my fingers through my hair and put my head down on the table.


Everything is falling apart with the cast. Will they make everything better in the end? Over all thoughts and predictions?



~Trinity xoxo

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