Chapter 14

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Ariana's POV

I couldn't be happier to be planning my wedding with Jax. Even though I wasn't all for it in the beginning, I realize that this will just make us stronger together.

But I can't help but always feel like Andrew is watching me. Andrew used to be my friend at my old high school when my parents were still alive.

I did some things back then that I regret and he knows every little detail. I have no idea how I'm going to stay away from him. But, I'll have to try.

I really need to clear my head, so I decide to go for a walk. I walk through the living room and see Kyle and Sarah making out... Ew.

"Oh, uh.. Hey. Where are you going?" Kyle says awkwardly and Sarah blushes like crazy.

"Going for a walk." I state, putting on my shoes.

"Well, don't be too long. We are supposed to go to Sarah's basketball game tonight." Kyle adds as I leave the house, slamming the door behind me. I had a lot more important things to do then to go to a basketball game.

I want to call Jax and tell him what's wrong, but I can't. This is something that I have to deal with on my own. I can't risk letting him get hurt by Andrew or anyone else ever again.

My pants start to vibrate and I realize that my phone is ringing. I pull it out and answer the call, putting the phone to my ear.


"Ari, this is Oliver. I have some bad news... it seems that I made a mistake about a certain someone." Olive pants into the phone.

"What are you saying? Are you alright?" I ask.

"You need to get somewhere safe, before-" the line goes dead and starts to beep. I can't help but start to sweat and feel anxious. What was he talking about?

"Hey, bitch!" A familiar voice yells from behind me. No, it can't be.

"How are you alive?" I ask, turning around to face her.

"Night, night." Natalie smirks and pulls the trigger on the gun in her hand.

Oliver's POV

(A/N: Something new)

I was pinned up against the wall. That bitch Natalie took my phone and smashed it against the wall. How am I supposed to warn Ari now?

"You take care of him. I'm going to get Ari." She spats at the guy that she is working with and teleports out of here.

"Where are you, Oliver?" The boy speaks as he creeps around my office. I try to quite my breathing and hope that he can't hear me.

I need to get out of here and fast. I crawl under my desk and grab the closest thing to a weapon that I could find. Wow, a wooden plank. What a great option?

I get out from under the desk and smack the guy upside the head as hard as I can. He falls to the floor, unconscious but still breathing. I bolt from the office and make a run for it.

With the way that things are going for her, Natalie probably already has Ariana and Emma. This couldn't get any worse. I assume I have to tell the Novoa what has happened.

Jax's POV

I decided that I was going to go surprise my fiancé at her house just so I could make her happy. It feels amazing just knowing that we are going to get married.

Something doesn't feel right as I drive through her neighborhood. It's quiet and not its normal cheerful feel. That's really odd, I hope that everything's okay.

I stop at a sight that I didn't want to see. The sidewalk is soaked in something that looks like... blood. I swallow the lump in my throat and speed to Ari's house, praying that she's in there. I bang on the door and wait for an answer, seeing Kyle open the door.

"You're not Ari. Did you happen to see her on your way here? She went for a walk to clear her head." Kyle gives me an oblivious look. I fall to my knees and put my head in my hands. I can only think of the worst. There was so much blood and there's only one person that could've done this.

Natalie is still alive.


Here's another chapter. Thank you guys for all of the support and kind messages. I will try my hardest to continue this book and make it good for you guys.



~Trinity xoxo

Can I? (Book 3)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant