Chapter 17

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Jax's POV

Awkwardness. That's all that I have been feeling ever since we found Ariana and Emma. Things are strange, too strange. Something isn't right and I'm going to find out what.

Ariana explained the whole story when we found the two of them, claiming that they finally killed Natalie but lost Emma's powers in the process. Emma's so quiet now, as if she can't really say everything that happened when they were captured. They were gone for awhile, how could she only remember so little?

I've been noticing that Ariana isn't acting like herself. I've wanted to be with this girl ever since I met her, but now things are different. She's different. Oliver disappeared after we found the girls, but I've been meaning to meet up with him. This whole thing seems so off.

"Baby!!!" Ariana screeches from the kitchen. All of the sudden she started calling me that and I hate it. I walk to the kitchen and she's standing there with open arms. I roll my eyes and take a seat at the counter, completely ignoring her gesture.

"What?" I simply ask, not really caring what she has to say. Wow, I'm probably the worst fiancé ever.

"I want to move the wedding to sooner. I just want you to be mine forever." She kisses me harshly and I pull away, making her gasp.

"What's with you, Ari? This needs to stop, I'm going back in your room and by the time I come back out, you need to rethink everything that you're doing." I snap and storm back into her room. I slam the door shut behind me and flop down on the bed, burying my face in a pillow. What the hell am I going to do?

Just then, I completely pass out, as if I'm in a trance.

I stand up and look around to a room that definitely isn't Ari's. This place looks like a cell of some sort. I hear a soft whimper from the corner and look up to see a girl crying into her knees.

I walk over to her and sit down, gently shaking her shoulder. Her head shoots up and I jump away, mostly just surprised from her sudden actions.

"Ari?" I ask, looking at her sad face. Her cheeks are stained with tears and her eyes look lifeless from all the crying that she has been doing.

"Jax? Thank god, the spell worked." She laughs, almost crying happy tears.

"What spell? What's going on?" I ask, cupping her cheek with my hand.

"Natalie is tricking all of you. She took most of my powers and all of Emma's. She's posing as me, Jax. I'm still captured." Ari says quietly, everything is finally setting into place.

"Where are you? I'll come find you. Just tell me where you are." I beckon her.

"I don't know where I am. I just need someone to come find me, I don't know how much longer I can take this." She starts to shake and I try to comfort her.

"Take what?" I ask, just as her face starts to become blurry. She returns back to normal and I take her hand.

"The spell is weak. I barely have enough strength to maintain it." Ari squeaks as a tear rolls down my cheek. I should've known that this wasn't over.

"Ari, I-"

"Guess who's back, bitch." A door slams making Ari shake with fear, again.

"Who is he?" I ask, turning around to look at the awful man.

"Andrew. He's the guy that's holding me here. He's what I can't take anymore." Ari starts to cry and I want to cradle her in my arms.

"Stop talking to yourself, sweet cheeks. You look like an idiot." Andrew scoffs and walks over to her, pulling his belt off of his jeans.

"Please, don't do this. Not again, I-" Ari is interrupted by the belt coming in contact with her cheek. She weeps as I try to strangle the man, but to no avail. I can't touch him, this must be part of the spell.

"Now take off your clothes! TAKE THEM OFF!" He screams and Ari cries, her sobs becoming louder. My tears start to fall as he rips her clothes off, throwing her on the ground in the process.

"Save me." Ari whispers.

I sit up and gasp for air, wiping the tears from my cheeks. I'm back in Ari's room, as if I didn't just witness the love of my wife get raped right in front of me.

I hate Andrew. As soon as I get my hands on him, he won't have a chance. I pull out my phone and text Oliver about what happened. I'm not going to stop searching until I find Ari and I know for a fact that this will be the end of all this bullshit.


Sorry for not updating!



~Trinity xoxo

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