Chapter 13

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A few months later

Ariana's POV

I couldn't get used to looking at myself with a cap and gown on. It all seemed so weird, I was going to be an adult. I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and I cuddle into his chest. Jax stands behind me, looking at the mirror in front of us.

"Look at us. We're actually graduating." Jax kisses my cheek and I blush.

"It's crazy." Almost as crazy as being responsible for the death of 3 people...

"I love you, you know that, right?" Jax asks and I nod.

"I know, Jax." I smile and look at the watch on his wrist.

"We have to go or we'll be late." I tell him and he nods.


"I can't believe that you got valid victorian, out of all people." I look over at Jax as we walk to our seats.

"I don't know if I should take offense to that." He states and I giggle.

"Well, it's been a pain in the ass. I had to write a speech and everything." He groans and I laugh.

"Hey, guys!" Emma's cheery voice yells as her and Daniel head in our direction.

"Where are the kids, today?" Jax asks.

"With their grandpa. He's in the crowd over there with them." Emma points in the direction of a large group of people.

"They're growing up so fast." Daniel murmurs. We all laugh, and then my eye catches a familiar face in the crowd. I start to walk in that direction, but Jax grabs my arm.

"Where are you going? The ceremony is going to start soon." Jax frowns and I look over my shoulder. I shake myself out of his grip and walk at a fast pace in the direction of the familiar face.

I follow the person into a more private spot and finally get the nerve to attempt a conversation.

"What are you doing here?" I snap and turn them around.

"What's with the sad face? Didn't you miss me?"

"I hate you, Andrew. What are you doing in Miami?"

"That's no way to talk to your old boyfriend, now is it? How are things, Ariana? You look ugly as usual." Andrew smirks and I gag.

"Leave me alone. I have a new life now." I step forward, challenging him.

"Then it would be a shame if someone were to ruin it." He steps forward and stares directly into my eyes. I swallow the lump in my throat and pretend that I didn't just get knots in my stomach.

"And now we will start announcing our graduates, please report to the stage when your name is called." A speaker says and then shuts off.

"Ari, what are you doing back here?" Jax walks into the alley and I turn around. Andrew is nowhere to be found and I gasp.

"Just was catching up with someone." I mutter and walk to Jax.

"This will be a day to remember." Jax beams and I smile.


"Very good, everyone. Now that everybody has their diplomas, our valid victorian will make a speech." Jax looks over at me and I give him a reassuring look. He takes the stage and stands nervously at the microphone.

"Hi, everyone." Jax clears his throat and I cringe a little. I'm hoping that he'll get through this.

Jax's POV

"Well, we made it guys. Each and everyone one of us are officially graduates. I know that when I first came to Iridium high, no one would've guessed that I would be giving a speech right now." I speak and the audience chuckles.

"My life really took a turn for the better once I came here. I changed into a better person and I actually like who I am now. But, I can't take all the credit for that. My best friends really helped me through it." I look up to see Diego, Daniel, Emma, Maddie, Alex, and Andi all smiling at me.

"But, one person in particular made me finally have the ability to find myself. Most of you probably know Ariana Winters. Ari, come on up here." I say and Ari gives me a confused look. She reluctantly makes her way to the stage and stands next to me.

"This girl has made me the happiest man alive. She didn't give up on me, which is really surprising considering everything that we have been through.

She gave me the courage to find myself and I couldn't have done it without her. From the moment that we met, I knew that this was the girl that I was meant to be with." I look over at Ari and see her smiling at me.

"Well, I decided that today would be the day that I got my life completely together. So, here goes nothing." I pull a small black box out of my pocket and get on one knee. Everyone in the audience gasps along with Ari.

"Ariana Autumn Winters, would you make me the happiest man for the rest of my life and be my wife?" I smile as I watch the tears run down Ari's face.

"Jax...I..." Ari is searching for words as I start to feel self conscious.

"Yes, yes, I'll marry you." The crowd cheers as I slide the ring on her finger. I smile into a passionate kiss with her and couldn't be any happier with my life at the moment.

"You have really done it this time, Novoa." Ari chuckles lightly as a few stray tears run down her face.

"I try." I laugh and hug her tightly. I plant a kiss on her head and just smile the biggest smile that I can make.


My Jari feels are just ugh!!!!!!!!! But who the hell is this Andrew guy and why is Ariana so intimidated by him?



~Trinity xoxo

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