Chapter 2 ( first impressions )

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You wake up as the Jeep starts to slowdown, you rub your eyes and look at your watch 5:34 am you turn your head to Price, he looks at you "Rise and shine y/n  we're back at the base, get your belongings, and meet me back here in 15." "Yes sir." You grumble back still trying to wake yourself up.

You look through the window and you see that your in the runway where all the cars, helicopters, and planes, can be found with people running around haling boxes and, more all around. Eventually the car stops. You look at Price " Be back in 15 sir." He nods as you steps out of the car.

You jog back to your barracks and start throwing everything into a duffel bag. You don't owe much, some clothes, shoes, toiletries, and etc. after doing a final search of the room checking if you have left anything, you see the room clear and just as empty as you saw it the first time. You quickly strap the duffel bag around your body and go back on to the runway.  Not having enough time to take off any of your gear.

You find your way to Price. You wave to get his attention. You see a transport plane behind him ready to take off, he waves you over and quickly gets into the machine. You run over throwing your bag onto the floor, and strapping yourself in. As soon as you finish you look towards price who is sat across from you. "Sir where are we going?" "Urzikstan." He quickly answers back. You nod. And just then the vehicle springs into action, causing you to lose you hearing only being able to hear the metal vibrations. You close your eyes tuning out the noise and fall to sleep.

~~~~~~~~11 hours later (4pm)~~~~~~~~~

You wake up suddenly by the plane making contact with the ground. Price seems to also be waking up as he waves at you. Eventually the noise finally dies down and you can hear again. You unbuckle yourself and, grab your duffel bag that you put on the floor. Price stands up quickly pressing a button to lower the ramp of the plane as it slowly creeps open you see 2 men standing outside waiting. One with a shaved sides and a weird looking Mohawk and the other other with tan skin.

You walk towards them both as Price begins to speak "y/n this is Soap and, this is Gaz. These are 2 of the men that you will be looking out for." Soap quickly sticks out his hand with a huge smile on his face and begins to speak with a Scottish accent " Hello y/n! It's a pleasure meeting you, hope you can keep us all in one piece." He chuckles. You quickly shake his hand " It's a pleasure meeting you as well and, I hope so too!" Gaz then speaks with a British accent " Hello it's nice to have someone else on the team." " Thank you for welcoming me, I hope I get along with you all great." You say with a nod.

"Okay enough with the introductions please guide y/n to their barracks Soap, and Gaz get the rest of the boys." "Yes sir!" They both answer at the same time. You turn to Soap and he smiles and waves you over to start following him, as you do so you end up walking to a small metal building. As you approach the door Soap opens it allowing you to go inside first you nod as a thank you for the small gesture. As he slips in from behind the door he begins to speak while walking. "It really is nice to have someone else helping us with this,  especially a medic and a well trained sniper!" He smiles at you, you smile back taking the compliment " Soap do you know anything about the other guys?" You begin to ask "Oh yes of course!" He answers, he begins to give you a run down of his close friends. "First there Gaz, which you have already met then there is Alejandro, and Ghost. I know you'll get along great with everyone but Ghost? Not so much." He frowns rubbing the back of his head after saying this.

You look up at him in confusion "Why is that?" You ask, he looks back to you "Ghost doesn't really take lightly to strangers he's very strong opinionated." You frown after hearing this information. "Well anyway here is your room!" 

He opens a door next to him and as you walk in you examine the room. There is twin bed with white covers and one white pillow on it, sitting on a metal bed frame. The bed sits in the middle of the room with a small nightstand to the right of it with a lamp on it. There is a door on the right side of the room, as you walk towards the door and open it you see a small bathroom. You close the door and look back at Soap. He smiles nervously "Sorry it isn't much but it's what all the rooms look like, I hope you can make do." He says with his voice lowered down in embarrassment. You look at him and smile under the mask and your helmet "Soap it's fine every room I'v ever been in looks like this no need to apologize." He looks up at you and smiles "Yeah you got that right." He begins to laugh to himself.

After you put your bag onto your bed Soap brought you to the living room. The living room is relatively sized with a white long L shaped couch being held up by metal legs, as a tv looks down onto the couch and a open kitchen attached to the commons room. Soap sat down on the couch and so you followed. As soon as you sat down, Price entered the room through a side door in the kitchen soon after Gaz, and 2 men walked in.

One who was extremely attractive with a sharp jawline and wonderful black hair. Then a man with a skull masked walked in, his eyes immediately connecting with yours. You were startled by this sudden tension, and slowly look away to Price as he began to speak making his way in front of the couch

"Alright boys meet y/n she'll be taking care of us on this mission she'll also be our sniper if we ever need one in this situation which is granted to happen. y/n meet  Alejandro." he says while the man with dark hair makes his way to you and sends a small smile at you while raising his hand to shake yours, you take your hand out from your lap and shake "It's a pleasure meeting you y/n." He spoke with a thick Spanish accent that melted you. You nod at him and look back to Price to hope that Alejandro didn't notice that you got flustered. Price then begins to speak again. "And this is Ghost." You look towards the man in the mask as he crosses his arms and glares at you . You sink back into the couch at his stare, he then speaks. A rough deep voice with a thick British accent comes out of the mask . "Why is she here." He states. Price then looks at Ghost and reaffirms "She will be our medic, and sniper, she's a valuable asset." "Isn't she a bit small?" Ghost answers back not taking his eyes off of you. Soap looks at Ghost "Ghost don't say stuff like that, that's rude. And plus she's a lady of course she's gonna be smaller then you fatty." He joked. Ghost quickly sent Soap a glare before settling his eyes back to you.

His remark of you being small did not make you feel safe at all. You were nervous, scared even. Price then began to speak once more "Well get used to it! She's gonna be with us for a long while and you are going to help her in hand to hand combat Ghost, Soap you will help her with expanding her gun skills, and Gaz and,  Alejandro you'll be helping her with anything in between. Now you have exactly one week before we get out information on this assignment. Now get." "Yes sir!" All of you answered. You quickly turned back to see if the masked man was still there, but he was already gone.

Authors note: Thank you for reading this this is my second ever chapter of writing I hope you thoroughly enjoyed reading! If you have and recommendations and or spelling/grammar errors please do let me know! Thank you for reading!!!

Ghost x yn -Modern WarfareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora