Chapter 19 (argument)

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As you sat there for a few minutes in silence with Simon you wipe away the tears that began to fall.

As you take a moment to calm yourself down, you looked back at Simon. A question then began to form in your head. You weren't sure if you should ask it, what if he would get mad at you?

You took a deep breath as you formed your sentence.

"Why did you and König get in a argument?"

The feeling of happiness, safety, and thankfulness flew away with the wind as he turned back and looked at you. His eyes carved into you with no emotion.

He didn't answer as he stared down at you. You felt yourself becoming uncomfortable with the intensity of his eyes on you, you scooted back on the rock having you back hit against the tree.

As you were about to open your mouth to repeat yourself, he lowered himself to you having his arm support himself, pinning you against him and the tree, your face just inches away from his own.

His eyes never leaving yours, causing a bead of sweat to fall down your face, as your throat formed a knot.

"I didn't like the way he was talking to me." His voice was empty.

You clenched the fabric of your pants as you prepared to say your next sentence. "That doesn't give me a reason why you keep him from seeing me." His eyes changed into anger. "Who told you that?" His voice was filled with anger, you swallowed the lump in your throat as you prepared yourself to answer his question.


Before you knew it you were in the living room with everyone including Price, while Ghost and König were in a yelling match about the last mission that had happened.

"So you're telling me NO ONE thinks it's odd that the ONE person that König was with got injured!?" Ghost yelled at Price, Alejandro and, Gaz, as he pointed at Soap. "Well I think it's quite usual that you were in the crate when you were supposed to be sniping." König spoke with anger at Ghost.

"I was only down there because you couldn't even keep the one person you were supposed to take care of in your line of sight!" His voice was tinted in hatred as rushed towards König.

König snapped back. "Because you weren't keeping a look out, our one and only medic got hurt!" He yelled at Ghost, you sunk into the couch as you have never seen König mad before, nor Ghost this mad before. Their voices were deafening.

König stomped towards Ghost "You couldn't even keep them getting shot!" "I fucking saved them you bastard!" Ghost snapped back.

"And that makes you any better!? You're the reason why they got shot! Just because you saved them doesn't mean shit!" König yelled at Ghost. Suddenly Price's voice shot through the air.

"QUITE! You both are acting like fucking ANIMALS." "But Sir-" König and Ghost both attempted to say something, but they both were immediately shut down by Price as he gave them a glare.

"Look. I don't care what the fuck happened last mission. What happened, happened. But all that matters is that no one was KIA." Price looked at you and Soap as he rubbed his temples.

"König. You need to be more careful. No more fuck ups. You put to many of us in danger to many times now." König nodded in response. "Yes sir." He answered quietly.

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