Chapter 15 ( out again )

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You wake up to loud banging on your door, as you jump out of bed and run towards the door to swing open, you see Price. He spoke loudly and rough. "Y/n pack up we're leaving! NOW." You then see Soap and Gaz run down the hall completely geared up with huge backpacks of supplies over their shoulders.

You immediately realize what's happening and you get ready to get back on the battlefield. You quickly pack up the essentials and get geared up. You put on your gear with everything blacked out, and a black mask. You then make your way outside in a rush. You see that it's still night time and the thundering rain continues, it pounds against your helmet and body as you and everyone else stumbles onto a transport helicopter.

As you all quickly cram into the seats, wet from the rain you finally get time to realize what's going on. You've gotten so used to being in the base you had completely forgotten the fear that builds up before missions. The fear that you feel on them, and the horrifying possibilities that can happen during them. Sweat begins to fall down your face as you clench your hands around your baggy cargo pants, trying to find something, anything to relax and relieve your anxiety.

You then shut your eyes and begin taking deep breaths, as you try to get this fear settled. Suddenly your feel something hold you right hand. You look and see Ghosts hand wrapped firmly around your own. As you trail your eyes up his arm, pass his shoulders, and the his eyes. As your stare at him with wide eyes he leans down to you. "You'll be safe. I promise." He then leaned back into his seat, keeping his hand in the care of yours.

The comfort of Ghosts words made your worries dissipate. Your realize how hard you were squeezing his hand and you relaxed your hand into his. As you finally take a moment to look around you see who's in what seat, you get startled by König sitting to the left of you look right at you. Rather look at your hand woven with Ghosts. You couldn't see his face, but just by look at his eyes, you knew his face was altered into a scowl.

He closes his eyes and sighs, he then turns his head down and focuses on his hands. You look around more and see that Soap, Gaz and Alejandro are all siting together. You then realize that Price was no where to be seen. You come to the conclusion that he's probably in the cockpit.

As you all sit there in silence, you zone out. The sounds of the thundering rain beating into the metal of the helicopter. The empty air of quite inside begin allowed you to think of what could happen while you there. Shivers go down your spine, you give a weak squeeze to Ghosts hand, and he squeezes back.You the lean your head back into your seat and try to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You feel yourself being shook awake, as you look around frantically, you feel the helicopter shaking side to side. As you look around you see everyone else grabbing onto the chairs and walls terrified. The helicopter finally becomes stable again, as you all sigh in relief. The machine lands on the ground, the ramp falls open, with water flowing from the roof of the vehicle.

You all quickly get out of the helicopter, allowing the water to hit your helmet, as Price joins you all. "Everyone we are going to the small village ahead! Alejandro your with me. König and Soap take East way. Gaz and y/n take West way. And Ghost, I'm trusting you on sniper duty." "Yes sir!" You all answer in unison.

You and Gaz get together but before you could make your way down the muddy path, to the loud gunfire that's about to go down in the small town, Alejandro steps towards you. "Y/n stay safe okay? Gaz take care of her for me." Gaz smiles largely. "I barely know how to take care of myself so don't have your hopes to high!" They both begin laughing as Gaz makes his way around you to start your journey into combat.

As you follow Gaz closely behind him he begins to talk. "You nervous?" Those two words rattled you, the fear began to fill your thoughts as a knot formed in your throat. "Yes." Was all you could answer with. "Me too." A feeling of sadness blanketed the words that Gaz answered with. You both stayed silent throughout the walk to the site, as the clouds thundered above you.

Ghost x yn -Modern WarfareTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang