Chapter 16 ( I've got you )

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Before you knew it Konig had you sitting on his lap as he had your medic bag on his other. "May I take off your jacket?" He asked in a whisper. "Y-yes." You answer as you look at Gaz. Gaz was fidgeting with his radio as Price had asked him to talk to him directly while König was dealing with you.

He then slowly unclips your vest as he placed his hand on your zipper and pulled it down. He then took your arms and pulled them out of the fabric. Under the jacket you were wearing a tight black sweater he then slowly puts his hands under the fabric at your waist as he squeezed softy. "May I take this off?" He asked with a hum. "Yes, you may." You answer attempting to stop the heat that started to form on your face. "Take off what?" You hear Ghosts voice cut through your ears.

You then hear König chuckle as he began to raise your shirt bellow your chest. "Her shirt of course. What else would I be taking off of her with such ease?" König answered Ghost in a sadistic voice. You then hear Ghost reply back with a low grumble.

As your shirt was pulled over your head exposing your sports bra you both got a good look at the wound. The bullet went all the way through, but you were bleeding like there was no tomorrow. König then began to rummage through your bag as he looked for something to clean the blood.

"Whats going on now?" Ghost asked in a demanding tone. "He's looking for something to soak the blood with." You answer embarrassed. "And I'm getting a good look too." You hear König say with a smile under his hood as he looked at your body allowing his eyes to carve into you. "What's the supposed to mean?" Ghost snapped at König. "You know exactly what I mean." König answered as he placed his hand with the cloth onto your shoulder, as the other continued to grab onto your waist and hip.

"Getting a little cocky there don't you think?" Ghost replied to König his tone anger then usual. "What are you two bickering about?" You chimed in angrily. They immediately went silent after your input. König then grabbed a bandaged and wrapped your shoulder. As you sit there taking deep breaths trying to ease the pain your feel König wrap his hands around your waist as he pulled you closer to him.

"You feel so small in my hands, I love it." He purred into your neck as you began to feel heat against your cheeks as blush formed from his statement. "Excuse me?" Ghost said through the mic, with distaste in his voice. König Ignored him as he continued to feel you up and down, having his hands dance around your body, your waist, your hips and, slowly creeping up onto your inner thighs. "I like you on my lap, y/n. Do you like it?" He questioned in a teasing manner.

You were frozen in embarrassment, you didn't know how to answer or what to answer with. "I-I don't know." You answer turning your face away trying to avoid the tension between you both. Suddenly König grabbed your hips as he pulled you all the way against him, you could feel something pressing against you. "Look at me." He said bluntly as he grabbed your face and turned it to look at him.

His eyes were hungry, all the innocence that you had ever seen König before, was completely gone. His eyes were anything but that, they carved into you. Suddenly you hear Ghosts voice. "Im going down there." His voice was harsh not as a threat but as a promise. König immediately lets go of you as his demeanor changed. Gaz then looks back at you and speaks. "What the fuck happened to you? You look scared shitless König." He questioned König. "N-nothing! Just nervous is all.... U-um. What's the plan!?" He asked as he shifted himself to have you in a more "appropriate" position, while you still sat there in shock from what happened with your face red.

"Price and Alejandro say they think they found the missile, it's further back but I think we can make it König, but Price requested that you should stay here with Soap y/n." He said as he looked at you. You take a moment to look at Soap, he was asleep while his soft snores filled the room. You look back at Gaz and nod. "Copy that." You say with a slight smile. "alright König we should make a move for it, y/n as soon as we're done we'll all come back and get the both of you." Gaz smiled as he walked up to you and hugged your tightly.

As Gaz and König crept the crate door open and made their way out, König looks back at you as he sent small wave as his eyes were filled back up with innocents. The door then closed and now you were left with Soap's soft snoring, the soft sounds of the rain outside and a gunshot wound to the shoulder. You then put your clothes back on and, make your way towards Soap. You then sit down next to him and wait for them all to come back so you can get out of here.

Suddenly the door swings open, you see Ghost with rage in his eyes. He then takes a moment and realizes that you and Soap are the only ones in the crate. He then steps in, as the crate door closes behind him, while water runs down from his head and body onto the metal floor. "Are you okay?" He asked as he knelt down beside you. "Yes, Ghost I'm fine." You say as you rub your shoulder.

"How about Johnny boy?" "He's fine too. He'll be okay till we get back." You answer as the both of you look at Soap sleeping soundly. "Why are you here?" You turn your head and look at Ghost his mask still wet from the rain. A long quite pause was all you were met with, he then thought for a moment more and spoke. "I wanted to make sure you were okay." He answered as he looked deep into your eyes, a slight hue of pink dusted over your cheeks as you smile softly at him. "Thank you Simon." He then turns his head away from yours. "It's what we do for each other. We're a team." His tone made you feel warm you felt as if you were safe. You knew you were safe. You then lean your head onto his shoulder as you allow yourself to drift off to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You hear a bang as you jolt awake, you look around and see that the crate door had been flung open, Price, Alejandro, Gaz and König were all standing there. "Come on we need to get out of here!" Price yelled at you and Ghost. König quickly made his way to Soap as he picked him up, throwing him over his shoulder. Ghost quickly stands up and pulls you up. You all then begin running back to where you started the mission.

As you all ran the continued yelling of the enemy team was no longer quieted by the sounds of the rain as it had stopped. You all made your way up the mountain, to avoid the shots being fired at you all. Eventually you hear the sounds of a helicopter, just then at that moment, you've never been happier to hear such a annoying noise in your life. As you continue to run for you life chasing the beautiful sound of air being split buy the metal propellers, your knee buckled.

As you fall to the cold wet ground from the rain that had just fallen before you, you look ahead of you and see everyone running, as you look back to your left leg you see blood, you had been shot, multiple times. You grit your teeth as the adrenaline begins to settle, as waves of heat and pain begin to swallow you, you shut you eyes trying to fight through the pain as you pull yourself forward as a last ditch effort to crawl and get away.

You open your eyes again vision blurred by the tears beginning to form as they fall down your face. You look ahead and you see a blurred image of Simon running back to you. Suddenly a jolt of pain rushes through your body as you feel yourself being picked up, you shut your eyes as you try to bare with the pain. The  fast movements of Simon, running and herding over logs and ditches, as he ducts down from stray bullets, caused your body to be engulfed in agony. But the sense of urgency was the only thing on his mind.

You open your eyes and look up at him, you see him turning his around and looking at every possible thing scanning his surroundings as trees and bullets pass by, he then looked down to you, your eyes immediately connect. "I've got you." He said in a breathy voice as he spoke in a whisper to give you comfort. The sounds of the helicopter begin to get louder and louder, as he made his way to safer with your in his arms.

Finely after one last step his movement stopped. You open your eyes as you look around, you see everyone quickly crowding around you. You hear voices as they echoed in your ears, you eyes felt heavy as your head begin to feel lighter. That last thing you hear is  Ghosts voice. "I've got you, y/n."

1640 word count

Authors note: thank you for reading this! Sorry for leaving it on a cliffhanger... But y/n needs something to happen to her OKAY! Also I hope you guys liked the first part of this chapter as much as I liked writing it 🤭🤭🤭 anyway! I hope you all have a great night/day and thank you for all of the support! ❤️❤️❤️🫶

Ps: remember if you have an idea the small updates chapter is there for a reason lol also I literally read EVERY SINGLE ONE of your comments. Just fyi. 😭

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