Choater 17 ( med bay )

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You feel your head pounding as you open you eyes ever so slightly, you are met with bright lights. "Wh-what's going on?" You question as you shut your eyes. "Thank god your okay, we thought we lost you out there." Price spoke to you in a soft tone, you finally get a look at where you are. You see that you are in some kind a medical room, Price is sitting in a chair by your bed. As you continue to examine the room you see a other bed with someone in it. "Hey y/n, you doin okay?" Soap questioned with a worried smile. "Yeah I'm okay... I think. What happened?" You ask in a confused tone.

"You got hit pretty bad out there, luckily nothing vital, but the blood loss got to you, you're probably going to feel lightheaded or something like that... Just get some rest y/n you deserve it." Price answered as he stood up using his knees as support. He then walked to a cabinet as he looked for something inside.

You then turn your attention to Soap he was looking lazily at you with a dopy smile. "Thank you y/n. You saved me out there. I owe you." His words were ones of genuine respect and thankfulness. You nod and smile at him. "Just making sure we're all okay." You answer sweetly. Price then turns around and hands Soap some meds and eventually he hands you a few bottles as well.

"Read the instructions yknow what to do your the doctor. But I'll be right back gonna tell the rest of the boys your all right." He said this with a smile as he turned around and made his way towards a door.

A few minutes pass by of you and Soap resting, suddenly the door busts open as Gaz runs inside with Alejandro behind. Gaz immediately runs to you and hugs you avoiding your left shoulder as he holds you tight. "Your alright! You see I told you we'll come back for you when we got done!" His smile lit the room while his eyes were slightly glazed with tears.

"Gaz give her some space to breathe." Alejandro chuckled as he leaned against the wall by you. "Hey where's my welcome!" Soap yelled out to Gaz and Alejandro angrily. "We already said hi to you! And plus no one's cares about you!" Gaz snapped at Soap, Alejandro began laughing hysterically as Soaps face contorted to playful anger. You begin to giggle as everything seemed to be going back to normal, making your happy.

As you all talk for a bit, mainly playful arguments, you start to realize that König and Ghost are no where to be seen. You then turn your head to Alejandro and ask. "Where are König and Ghost?" Alejandro looks at Gaz and Gaz looks at Alejandro. They both sigh as they look back to you. "They got in a really bad argument, so honestly I'm not sure." He answered as he rolled his eyes.

"They got into a argument? About what?" Soap questioned before you could ask. "We don't really know but it got pretty heated. Something about not being there for something and also being touchy or whatever.... They didn't really explain anything to us." Gaz chimed in. Soap and you then sigh as you both know how Ghost gets when he's in a bad mood, but hopefully they were both over it by now. Price then opens the door and calls Alejandro and Gaz to get something for him. As the door closes the room is filled with silence again. You then turn your head back to Johnny.

"How did you and König get separated?" You ask Johnny, he took a moment to think as he scratched his head with his good hand. "I-I honestly don't know. Just one minute I was on the mission, and the other I waking up in this bed." He looked away from you as he looked at his hands for a moment. "Yeah, no I can't remember anything." "That's okay I don't remember anything past going up back the mountain." You replied.

Soap looked at you confused as he laughed to himself. "At least you were there to save me, you see the woman love the Mohawk it's irresistible!" He began laughing as you look at him with annoyed look. "Why else would you have saved me it's cuz you would have missed it!" His smile was contagious as one began to form in the corner of your lips. "I see that smile come on let it out!" You then looked away and began to giggle at his stupid antics. "Your so stupid Johnny." You say with a large smile. "Just trying to make you not think so hard about the mission, what's done is done and we're all right and that's what natters y/n." His smile and words warmed your heart. "Thank you Johnny." "It's what I'm here for."

Ghost x yn -Modern WarfareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora