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My long, brown locks are tied in a fishtail braid. As usual, my face is covered with barely any make up. When I say this to anyone, they automatically think I'm lying. How can I help it that my skin is naturally flawless?
"Bye mum!" I yell before opening the front door to our large, family home and walking towards my moped.
Yes, the queen bee has a moped. A light pink one may I add. I got it from my mum and my dad for my 16th birthday and now I ride it everywhere. Honestly, it's better then Getting the bus.
I slide the helmet onto my head, carful not to mess up the perfect plat, before sliding onto the bike seat.
Then I take a selfie on snapchat and caption it 'school now, see you there!' Before posting it on my snapchat story.
Then I flick to Instagram . I check my followersr count and see I have gained two more since three hours ago.
This time the picture is of my light jeans that cover my legs and the bike. The colours are both pastel and I don't need to add a filter .I'm lucky because even though I am living in England, for our school, the uniform is optional. Thank god.
I caption the picture 'moped to school' and post it.
My flights turn the key and the bike springs to life. I zoom off out of the gates and onto the road.
In Ten short minutes, I have arrived at school. I park my moped and lock the helmet in the back compartment. I whip out my phone and click on Instagram. Already over one hundred likes. Cool!
"Hey sexy!" A boy calls. I look up to see who it is. Langley Pot. What. An . Idiot.
Okay, I admit it, I have slept with a lot of boys. Five in two months to be exact. But Langley Pots is so low. So so low. He is known for sleeping with about three girls per week and apparently, leaves them all with a little souvenir in the form of an STD. I never, ever sleep with him (although he has asked multiple times.)
"Hey freak!" I call back. I glance to the side of Pots where a stunningly attractive boy stands. His blond hair is swept effortlessly to one side and his blue eyes are twinkling perfectly.
The boy is tall and muscly .
"Hey Carter!" I yell. The boy looks up and smiles. Carter Pick. The only boy that seams to avoid my charm and stun you good looks and unfortunately the boy I have been crushing on since year eight.
"So he still hasn't fallen for you?" A sly voice asks in my ear. I grin and turn to hug Masie, one of my best friends.
The other girls are standing there, staring at me in amazement. These girls annoy the hell out of me. They just buzz around me and Masie, having there own chats and thinking we are there friends when in reality, I know half of their names. If that.
I smirk that the girls who smile back, almost in perfect sync. Creepy
"Hey girls!" I say before waking away, Masie linking my arm. We round a corner and come to a halt before a large door.
I push it open and try to ignore the eyes that linger on the two of us as we walk in. Oh the joys of homeroom.
"Hey Jessie" a boy named Will says. "My parents are not home tonight"
"Great" I reply.
"Fancy coming round again?"
"No Will, I don't"
I have decided, as of today, I will only sleep with someone if I am in a relationship with them. A serious one. I'm just fed up of sleeping with boys that I have no feelings door and who have no feelings for me. Is it to bad to want to feel loved? Properly loved? I know it's cheesy but I want to feel love that makes me feel so high, Mount Everest would be jealous.
Masie stares at me wide eyed .
"How about you Masie?" Will asks and Masie smirks.
"Will, you need to know, I don't like being second choice"
I grin at my best friend. She has standards, more then most the girls in our shitty school.
We walk to the back table where our bags are dumped unceremoniously.
"So..." Masie says, staring at me, awaiting a explanation.
"I'm fed up of sleeping around okay?" I whine. "I'm sixteen and I have slept with five boys in the short time I have been this ageI have been sixteen. I want a relationship. A proper one where I can relax and be myself"
My best friend frowns. "Yeah, your sixteen! Don't look for anything serious now, it will not last, just have fun! We are only teenagers once!"
"But I want something serious" I cry.
Masie smiled. "I'm guessing one its you know who would be preferable"
I smile and here a murmur of high pitched voices behind me.
"Oh my god!" One of the voices mutters "Jessie has a crush!"
Great. My fanclub has arrived.
I spin around to the the gaggle of girls that follow myself and Masie everywhere.
I smile at them. "Hey girls. Yeah that's right, I have a crush because I'm just like every other sixteen year old girls and I have a crush!"
"Well, we just thought, you know because you sleep with so many guys, that you don't like anyone" a girl called Emily blurts, she speaks quietly but the other girls nod in approval of her sentence.
I sigh exasperated. "A girl has needs!" I yell before slouching into the desk chair and counting down the seconds before the bell goes for the start of homeroom .
10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...RING RING.
There it is. The girls fall into their designated seats and face the front as the teacher takes the register. I answer to my name and spend the rest of the ten minuets staring, probably open mouthed , at Carter. His hair. His eyes. His body. His personality. Him. Him.
I suddenly snap back into reality when the words "new girl" fall from the teachers mouth. My head swivels to face the front where I see a pretty girl with long, blonde hair, which has a pink tinge. The girls eyes dart straight to Carter who gives her a warm smile. She returns this smile. Do they know each other?
"This is Beth More. She will be starting today. I trust you will all make her feel at home."
Beth's surprisingly small eyes scan the room before getting nice and comfortable on me. She gives me a sickly smile which I return. Oh no. I already don't like this bitch.
Beth picks the closest seat to me, which happens to be right next to me.
"Your Jessie, right?" She asks. Her voice is high pitched and annoying.
"Yeah, I am"
"Apparently your the queen bee around here, or so my ex tells me." Beth is clearly putting on a fake friendly voice. I do not copy this and instead, opt for a cold, flat tone of voice.
"Who's your ex?" I ask, suddenly interested but trying not to show it.
"I can't say, he told me not to tell"
I glance at her coldly.
"Wow, someone woke up on the wronfpg side of the bed" Beth whistles.
I give her one of my most fake smiles before pulling my phone out my pocket. Quickly I text Masie.
Me: thoughts on Beth.
Masie: nothing good. Hbu?
Me: no.she seams like a bitch. She told me her ex goes here but she is not allowed to tell anyone who he is.
Masie: I'm guessing Will. He couldn't stop staring at her.
Me: really?!
Me: well we all know he's a bit...
Masie: 😂
I slip my phone back into my pocket just as the bell for first period sounds.
My bag falls onto my back and I turn to Masie.
"I have History!" She calls "you have English!"
I laugh at Maise and nod before hurrying to English.

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