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A knee length black dress, a black blazer and a pair of black, four inch heels. That's what I wear. Minimal makeup and a high bun. That's how I look. Plain because why would I dress up for a funeral.

My hand is wound around a crumpled piece of paper. My eulogy for the boy I loved. Love. Love with all my heart.

None of my family are going to this, they didn't know him well enough.Kingstons picking me up and we are meeting Rachel, Ned and Masie there.

A lose tear slips down my face and I catch it in my fingers. The water soon soaks into my skin.

"Jessie! Kingston is here!" Meg calls up the stairs.

I breath in and slowly exhale. walk down the stairs and give Meg a small hug before doing the same to a somber looking Kingston.

He leads me to the taxi and we sit side by side, hand in hand. Our palms are clammy and his sweaty thumb strokes my own. The taxi drives smoothly and the driver asks no questions were asked for the whole journey and soon enough we arrive at the church.

The driver turns around and looks us both up and down. "I hadn't seen your dress miss. I thought it was a wedding. I was going to say good luck but by God that seams inappropriate. "
Another tear escapes my eye and Kingston seams tense. "May I ask who, I might know them?"

Kingston shuffles a bit before saying "Carter. Carter Pick"

The taxi driver furrows his over grown brows before looking very sad. "I recognised the name when you said it. He was the lad that lived on Wayport Road?"

Kingston and I nodded.

"Yeah I took him to school a few times"

I blink. 'Took' never again 'Take'

Kingston and the taxi driver talk for a while longer as I stare out the window. Another taxi pulls up next to them and I watch our friends get out.

"King, we should go" I say and King nods before fishing out his wallet but the Taxi driver shakes his head.

"No need."

We thank the driver before getting out and hugging our friends.

"I think we should go in. they will be staring in five" Masie says quietly, linking my arm and together we walk into the church.
Both Carters parents are waiting for us as we walk through the doors and we smile at both of them.
"I'm so glad you came Jessie darling. You will be speaking after the minister"
I nod and return the tender hug Chloe gives me.
"Hey Mr Pick" I say.
"You must be Jessie. Carter talked a lot about you."
I smile and move along to our seats. We picked the second row as the first are usually reserved for family. Masie clasps my hand tightly as we wait for the service to start but my eyes are on the coffin. It's open. All I can see is the tip of a nose. Of his nose. I'm going to see him one last time.
The minister waits for quiet before saying a few, well ment words but all he does is irritate me. He doesn't know him. He doesn't know him. He never did so how can he talk about him like he did.
"and now we will hear from someone very close to Carters heart. Jessie Fow" the minister finishes.
I take a deep breath before standing up and walking as confidently as possible towards the alter.
My eyes slide to the coffin. And I see him. His face is pale. Almost white and so are his muscular hands that are clasped together on his chest.
Carter perfect lips are parted slightly and his lids are closed over the brilliant blue orbs I have stared into so many times. His face is covered with little scratches. Form what I heard, the main wound was on him chest so I don't see it. Thank goodness.
My eyes close before I reopen them to see a church full of waiting people.
I clear my throat before saying to read from the piece of paper.
"I'm only sixteen. I'm young and so was Carter. Many people say that sixteen is to young. To young to understand. To young to love. But I disagree. I loved Carter. I love him and he loved me right back. He was the one. My one. " I glance up to see Carter mum crying quietly into her husbands shoulder and a few other people watery eyed.
"My Carter had blond sweeping hair, sparking blue eyes. A little smile. And now, his hairs flat on his forehead and it looks stupid. His eyes are closed and his little smiles all gone. His perfect face is covered is scratches that, if I say so myself, make him look rugged but he's still my boy. My knight in shining armour."
I look up again to see many more people crying.
"Now, I don't want to turn this into things that have happened to me but about eight months ago, I was sexually assaulted. Now, many boyfriends would leave their girl if this happened to them. Too stressful. But Carter didn't. He helped me. Oh my he helped me. I rung him countless time the middle of the night because I had a nightmare and he would pick up each and every time. If I burst into tears when I first came back into school because people were staring he would scream at those people and carry me away to a empty class room and he would calm me down. He told me to think of him, not of my assaulter. Because he loved me"
Tears slide slowly down my face and I take a deep breath.
"I can imagine how many people are going to say 'oh, it's young love' and yeah it was. But your love was once young. Maybe even younger and trust me, it doesn't mean it's not real.
"Outside, it's sunny. And it should be sunny because that's what Carter was. What Carter is. The light in the darkness. Carter will never feel the sun on his face again. He will never feel the rain slide down his skin again. And that makes me upset. But it also makes me thankful for the small amount of time he got. He should of had more. But he didn't and I for one am thankful for the little time he had because  I swear not many people can make such a big difference with only sixteen years"
Then I stop. It's finished. My eyes raise to see tears.
"I think Neds going to talk now" I say quietly before going to sit back down.
Ned passes me and hugs me tightly. His cheeks are wet.
When he reaches the alter he smiles.
"Carter was, is my best mate. He always got us into trouble. One plan. His last plan was to put off this girl so he came up to me and he said 'I'm going to kiss Jessie Fow' and I said 'do it bro'"
The church laughed at this. Ned was not reading from paper. He was making it up.
"So Carter kissed Jessie and the faked going out. For about a week. I called it head over heels in fake. Then the fell head over heels in love."
Ned then pointed to the picture of myself and Carter that stands along with a few others around the back of his coffin.
"this is Carter with the person that loves him" He said before pointing to a picture of himself, Kingston and Carter when they were about ten. All three of then stand with NERF guns and sunglasses.
"This is also Carter with the people who love him."
He pointed back at the picture of myself and Carter "this is Carter in love."
And back to the other picture "this is also Carter in love. And he loved us. We were the three musketeers. Now there's only two"
Ned nodded curtly before sitting down. Then Kingston when up.
"I'm going to miss you bro" he said simply. "There is nothing else to say because nothing I say will bring you back"
Then Kingston sat down. Tears were bow falling thick and fast from my eyes as I sobbed into Masie's shoulder. Her eyes were also streaming.
After the service was finished, we had half and hour before the burial which was for family only.
A line was formed of people I do know as they said good bye.
I wait until the line has gone right the way down and Carters coffin stands alone.
My feet take me to him and I just stare at him before muttering "if you saw your hair like this..." I crack a smile through my tears and gently brush the blond hair into its usual style.
"I love you Carter. Your a prick for leaving me though. From now on your referred to at Carter Prick okay?" I half expected him to reply. But he never did.
After we all left the church, Carter parents caught up with me and thanked me for speaking. But I didn't talk to them for long. I just wanted to get home. So I went home.  Without Carter.

I'm so sorry!!! I'm sorry I killed him off. I was so sad when writing this chapter and I promise good things are coming for Jessie.
So what do you guys think of my story so far. I love votes and comments so let me know through them!
What do you think of the Kingston/Jessie relationship?

Write soon



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