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Awkward! All eyes are on me.

"Right then guys, let's get going" I say, in order to defuse the tension.

Carter nods stiffly and Masie and Nev take a seat on a table and watch us eagerly.

"What do we do?" Carter asks.

"Kiss!" Masie yells.

Carter gulps visibly and takes a step towards me. I do the same and before I know it we are kissing. Again.

When we break apart, I glance at Masie and Nev. Nev is mouthing something I cant make out to Carter who is smiling slightly Masie on the other hand is frowning at me. Suddenly, her eyes brighten and she jumps onto the table.
"It was good but there needs to be one improvement. Nev, do you get me?"
Nev nods and joins her on the table. "More tongue!"
"Too bloody right!" Masie yells before clicking her fingers. "From the top, love birds!"
After nearly and hour of frantic snogging in order to get things looking natural, Masie declares we have it down to a T.
"Now, when you two see each other" she says "the surrounding ten miles is filled with awkward."
Nev nods. "You don't bloody look at each other!"
"So now, practice looking natural"
I look at Carter and walk up to him. Forgetting all the embarrassment I am feeling, I snake my arm around Caters waist and lean into him.
I feel Carter arm sling around my shoulder and I smile and look up.
Carters eyes are on me and he grins a little.
I'm fought is a trance is perfectness of which I never want to be broken.
But I am broken from it by a loud clap.
"Perfect!" Masie proclaims.
"I Couldn't agree more!" Nev says, high fiving Masie.
"One lesson left, lovebirds. Make them believe it!" And with that our two mentors walk out of the class just as the bell goes.
Carter takes my hand. "Seeing is believing" he mutters before together we walk out of the class room.

"What have we got?" I ask.
"Maths" Carter replies. Weirdly, the elephant in the room seams to of vanished and been replaced with a mouse. Not as big, but still there. Eyes are fixed on us as we walk down the corridor.
The Queenbee and the school sweetheart. Who would of thought? After nearly five years of crushing, certainly not me!
Suddenly, a small, year nine girl calls out "JARTER!" Then suddenly a few more people start the realise what she means.
"Oh god" I whisper to Carter "their shipping us"
Carter chuckles. "Let's make us their otp" he mutters before dipping me and kissing me gently.
A few screams of delight echo through the hallways, making me roll me eyes.
"Do hey have nothing better to do?" I mutter.
"Seams not" he replies.
We walk on a bit more before I ask the question that rattles around in my brain. "Carter, are we actually together. I mean is this real or just for show"
Carter furrows his eyebrows before saying. "It's for real. It head to be to get people to believe it"
My heart sinks. He doesn't want it to be real because he likes me. He wants it to be real for people to believe in it.
Maths passes with glances at Carter and loved up smiles at each other.
But it also passes with forming of one simple statement. I will get Carter Pick to like me for who I really am.

I bid a loving goodbye to Carter outside the main doors before walking to my moped and to my utter joy, I am greated with Beth.
"Hey" I say.
"Don't pretend you want to see me" she says, her fake smile wiped away.
"Oh thank god, that was getting tiring" I mutter. Sass has officially been turned on.
"Just so you know, Carter Pick is mine. I'm not going to let some stuck up mean girl take him away from me"
"Sorry sweetie" I say, putting my helmet onto my head. "I already have him"
A look af loathing passes over Beth's pretty little face. She changes the subject. "It's kind of cruel, don't you think? Making a bunch of wannabe girls follow you around everywhere"
I scowl. "Trust me, I don't make them follow me around."
"You think your so great, don't you? You think everyone wants to be you"
"Aww honey, do you feel threatened?"
"Why would I be threatened?" She says leaning against the wall. "If anything you should be feeling that"
"Me feel threatened by you?! Babe, I already have your boyfriend. There is nothing else I want of yours."
"I'm going to take your crown, Jessie, and their is nothing you can do about it!"
I scoff. "This crown you talk of, it doesn't exist. There is no crown,either people like you or they don't. It's simple"
"Well trust me people don't like you"
"That's why I have a train of loyal followers who practically faint every time I talk to them."
And with that, I zoom off out of school leaving an opened mouthed Beth way behind me.

Sorry for the super short chapter.
I hope you are enjoying this story and I would love it if you could vote for it and comment to tell me what you like about it.
Also, check out my other story, punching above your weight.
Lots of love

Charlotte xxxxxx

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