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Hey guys, just to say thank you so much for reading this story. I do really appreciate it! Also i have just published a new sory so check it out. My new story is called "No Such Luck" I hope youread it and enjoy it!!!
Also I would just like to say that I know the subject of this story is quite dark at the moment and I might not get all the facts right or I might unintentionally offend someone. If I do I am so so so sorry.
And just so you have a warning. Soon things are going to get much worse for Jessie.
Lots of love

School drags on with weeks that turn into months and shit gets easier. But it's still there, nagging I the back of my mind every day. The slash in my stomach has turned into an ugly scar, at least eight inches long. Beth still treats me like a piece of muck on the bottom of her highly inappropriate school shoes. But the one thing that gets me through the nightmares which I wake up to in a cold sweat and screaming. The one thing that gets me through the curious staring that I still get two months on. The one thing that keeps me sane is Carter Pick.

I can phone him at three in the morning and tell him the weird images of my nightmares and he will listen. He will understand and he won't laugh. Hill understands.

When people stare I can turn into his chest and hide and he will welcome me with a strong arm over my shoulders and he will kiss me on the head and he will steer me in the right direction.

Masie helps a huge amount too. She still treats me like a terminally ill person but she's always there for Harry Potter movies, Ben and Jerrys and gossiping because that's still me. Still Queenbee. Just .

Sunday morning. Ten o'clock. Therapist appointment.

Mum drives me as usual. "See you later sweetie" She says as I slowly step out of the large car. I smile weakly and slap the car door shut.

My feet take me slowly up the hospital steps and through the corridors. Soon I reach the Therapist Unit.

I give my name to reception and sit down, glancing at the clock hanging on the wall. Ten minutes until my appointment. That time is filled with scanning social media.

"Jessie Fow!" a voice calls and I snap my head upwards . A nurse stands by a door and smile as me as I stand up.
She leads me silently to a room I go into every week and opens the door for me before leaving my and Ann in peace.
Ann, who is sorting through piles of paperwork, looks up when the door opens.
"Hi Jessie" she says "take a seat"
I smile and air in the comfortable seat opposite Ann's small desk.
Not many of the hospitals around my area have therapist units and all of the hospitals that do will never have anyone as good as Ann. I feel like I can talk to her about anything and I will never get judged. In my first session after the attack as I have now come to call it, Anna sat me down and looked straight into my eyes.
"We offer this service to everyone who has had been the victim of any sort of sexual assault. But with you I think it's different. Your only sixteen. Your a child. Your not allowed to drive or drink yet some one performs this kind of horrific assault on you. Of course, everyone who has been in your situation and made it out the other end are strong, independent people and even if they still get upset about it, they are still strong . I'm going to be deadly honest with you now Jessie. This hour of talking is not going to be fun. You will cry in this room more then you will care to admit because I am going to make you tell me everything you have been bottling up. But your going to feel good about it. So start talking"
And with that , Ann pulled out a brand new notebook from her draw and written my name on the front cover.
And in that session, I told her about that night and about Carter finding me and I cried . Ann made notes and when the session had finished, Ann walked over to a large book case and slotted the notebook into it, along with about a two hundred other books.
"These are all of the cases I have ever taken. And when the treatment is over we will look through this book and you will smile at the progress you have made. Now go up to reception and make an appointment for next week"
And that's what I did. What I have been doing ever since.
Today I have nothing much to talk about. Ann asks me about Carter. Even the mention of his name makes me smile. She notices this.
"You really love him don't you?" Anna asks and I nod.
"When I tell people this, they laugh. They say you can't love someone at such a young age but they haven't experienced the all night talking of the all day hugging or the loving. They have no idea"
Ann grins. "No. They really don't"
I notice her thumb rubbing her wedding ring that sits on her ring finger and I sense that what I had just said rings true to her.

I love going to see Ann p. I love those appointments because she treats me not like a wounded animal but how I want to be treated how I want to be treated. Human.

Mum waits for me in the parking lot and smiled when she sees me.
"I went shopping and I got you something!" She says as I slide into the passenger seat.
I grin and lean into the back where I see a black shopping bag. I bring it into the front and take out a black sweater with white words in a white box printed onto the front. 'Being messed up is so in this season'
I read the sweater a few times brought before bursting into laughter. Okay, this is one way to deal with your daughter being assaulted, make jokes about it.
Mum laughs to before driving home.
Damn, I love my mum.

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