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I don't know how it happen. I don't know when it happens but my eyes creek open to reveal a room they have never seen before.
"Morning" I soft voice from beside me whispers.
My head slowly turns around much to the despair of the hammering headache it holds.
I groan in pain and the voices body strokes my hair.
"Your okay" it whispers. Then suddenly the memories of last night steam into my unready mind.
Then I start to cry. Sobs that rattle my tired body and my hands push the body away.
"Stay away from me!" I cry. "Go away! Stay away!"
"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. It's me okay? It's Carter"
Carter. Carters here. I fall limp into his waiting arms.
Then I just lie there. My body shaking and my eyes watering.
"Baby, it's okay" he soothes but I can't reply because every time I try to reply, I see him. His face. He's weird face coming to close to me.
Suddenly I scream, I bloodcurdling scream that tears me apart. And I scream because I need to.
A stinging pain overtakes me and I clutch my stomach.
Slowly, I pull Carters old shirt, which he has dressed me in, upside to expose a shallow but long gash in my stomach.
"Carter" I whisper. And he holds me close.
"I want to go to the hospital" I whisper and Carter nods into the top of my head.
"Let's go now then."
I don't bother changing out of Carters old shirt and simply let Carter scoop me up into his strong arms and carry me down the stairs of his house. His house is small but homely.
"Carter, darling is she awake?" A voice sounds from the living room.
"Yeah mum, can you drive us to the hospital?"
A small woman with greying hair and glasses pops her head through a door.
Her kind eyes melt when she sees me. But I shuffle a little closer to Carters chest.
"Hello, sweetie. My names Chloe. I'm Carters mum. I gather your his girlfriend?"
I feel my head tilt up and down slightly.
"He's lucky to have you. Can I see the cut?"
I reluctantly pull up the shirt.
"Carter honey, it's getting infected" Chloe mutters.
"I know mum. Take to the hospital, please?!"
Chloe nods. "Have you phoned her home?" She asks and Carter nods.
"I'll call them now and tell them to meet us at the hospital"
And then we are driving. I lie across the back seats, my head is sitting in Carters lap and make no noise except for the occasional sniffle.
Then I'm on a trolley.
Then mums there.
Then I'm on a bed.
Then I'm in a gown.
Then Masie arrives.
Then my older sister, Meg is there.
Then mums crying.
Then I'm crying.
Then I'm sleeping.
Then there are doctors and nurses.
Then there's just one woman. A woman which bobbed blonde hair and green glasses. The woman is plump and looks kindly. I think I can trust her.
"Jessie, can you tell me what happened last night?"
"I was with friends. There was this man, watching me all the time. For the whole day. Then I told Carter would meet him by the gate. The man followed me and he hurt me."
Tears flow freely down my cheeks and I make no attempt to clear them.
They splash onto the hospital gown I wear.
"And who found you?"
"Carter, Carter found me then Masie did and then Rachel. "
"What did the man do to you"
This is to much to comprehend "terrible things"
The woman take of her glasses and looks at me ins way that make me know I can trust her.
"Jessie. we are going to sort this. We won't be able to fling the man. It's virtually impossible. We have already checked for DNA. But we can get you better"
"There's nothing wrong with me"
"Jessie, you have suffered a terrible ordeal. And it will of damaged you mentally. But we can sort that out easy. You will recover. Recovery is possible and it will happen"
I smile slightly.
"I'm Ann. I'm going to be your therapist for a while okay"
I nod.
"Everything you tell me is confidential. I can't tell anyone"
I nod slightly.
Then the woman leaves my cubicle and I rest my head back and close my eyes. Hot tears fill up the inside of my eyelids an spill down the cracks in between the lids.
"Carter" I let out a strangled call and the curtain moves quickly, letting Carter in.
"Carter I love you" I whisper and he moves around to my head and kisses of lightly.
"I love you to Jessie" Carter mutters.
I scooch along the bed and provide room for Carter to come and sit next to me and he does.
Me head drops slowly onto his shoulder and I slowly fall asleep peacefully and with ease.

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