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Lunch comes quickly and thank god it does . The morning is filled with whispers from the seaming never ending flow of admirers and snide remarks from the new girl.
"Could I have a bowl of pasta" I ask the dinner ladies who nods and ladles some into a plastic dish.
"Sweetie, carbs make your ass fat" a voice whispers in my ear. Oh joy.
I plaster on a fake smile and turn to Beth.
"Well my ass is so perfectly toned , a bowl of pasta not going to ruin it" I say. Beth rolls her eyes as I take the dish from the dinner lady and go sit next to Masie. Only a few seconds after I have sat down, Carter Pick strolls towards us.
"Hottie at ten o'clock" Masie whispers "act natural"
I grin quickly and turn to Carter. "Hey Carter!" I say and he smiles a quick smile.
"Jessie, kiss me?" He mutters. My eyes widen.
"What?!" I yell-whisper.
"Please? And make it look natural"
I take a deep breath. Obviously I'm going to kiss him but millions of questions are now forming in my mind.
Shakily, I rise from my chair and lean into Carter who , to my surprise, snakes his arms around my waist and pulls me closer .
Then we kiss. A long, slow beautiful kiss. When we break apart, most to the hall is staring , including Beth who stands, open mouthed at the serving counter.
I don't look at these people, but at Carter who quickly scoops up my bag and grabs my hand. He starts walking, pulling me with him and I follow but not before grabbing my pasta.
When we get out of the hall, Carter turns to me.
"I need to explain" he says .
"Ya think!" I shout.
"Shhhhh" he urges "let's go somewhere private"
I nod and pull him outside and towards and old tree at he end of the long field. When we get there, I jump onto one of the lower branches and wait for an explanation.
"Beth's my ex" Cather explains. I gasp. Why would he ever choose such a bitch? "Yeah, she's my ex. I broke up with her and he has been kind of stalking me ever since. When she turned up this morning, I smiled at her in a friendly way but I gave her a warning look. In return I got a passionate one. So to stop her being all weird at school, I had to come up with a plan. In first period, she was all over me. So I told her I had I girlfriend when she asked who I just said you. I'm sorry, you can back out if you want but..." I had heard enough.
"How dare you!" I yell. Rage boils in my blood and even my undying love for Carter Pick can not stop the anger that is taking over. "How dare you bring me into this!"
"Look, I'm sorry Jessie, you can leave now, if you want, I'll tell Beth we broke up" Carters eyes plead with me and I remember Beth. That bitch, making life difficult for Carter. But how about my life, my relationship needs. I sigh .
"I'll do it Carter, for you. You know, I was trying to get into a real relationship. I suppose that's down the drain now."
Carter shakes his head and smiles in a relived sort of way "From now on, I'm your boyfriend"
"My fake boyfriend" I mutter.
"No, not fake just not attracted to each other"
'Speak for your self' I think but on the outside I grin.
"Okay then. Let's go look like a loved up couple" Carter calls, smiling at beautiful smile and taking my hand.
Together we walk back into the hall and are greeted with hungry and eager eyes. Whispers erupt as we walk in and we go and sit down.
Masie, who is now swamped with wannabes, glares at me.
"I'll tell you later!" I mouth and she nods, still looking disgruntled.
"Now all we have to do is stare into each other's eyes and fall head over heels in love" I mutter. Carter laughs and takes both of my hands in his.
Suddenly, the sound of stomping feet echoes towards us. Oh joy.
Beth pulls up a chair and sits next to Carter.
"So it's true?" She demands and I turn to her, the fake smile that my face has grown accustomed to.
"It is. Two weeks now!"
Beth smiles a sickly smile and says "your a lucky girl. Carters very good in bed. I should know. I was with him for nearly a year"
The picture that is put in my mind is quickly pushed away.
"Well, I'll find out if your telling the truth soon" I say to Carters disbelief. " he has asked a few times but I'm just not ready, it's too soon. You know, it's kind of scary how fast he wants things to move!" He dragged me into this, he can pay. Beth smiles at us then stands up, she pulls at the bottom of her shirt to make sure that her cleavage is clearly visible. She walks up to Carter and pushes her bust in he face while she apparently gets something out of his hair. Carter doesn't look at her, but straight at me. She then bends down,shoving her tight little ass in Carters face who doesn't even look. Instead,his eyes are fixed on me.
Beth, then brushes her self down and walks away.
"Skank" Carter mutters as she trots away.
I laugh and play with the bow stone cold pasta.
"What do I tell Masie?" I ask finally.
"She's your best friend, tell her the truth but don't tell anyone else or word will get out."
I nod and throw away the pasta.
"I think we should skip next period and practice. Bring Masie and I will bring Nev"
Nev is Carters best friend .
I stare at Carter, confused. "Practice what?" I ask.
"Practice how we act around each other, now we are together, we need it to look like we love each other to the moon and back. "
But I already love him to the moon and back ten million times.
I sigh and reluctantly agree. After Carter leaves a few minutes later I go over to Masie and tell her everything which is hard to do when everyone seams to be earwig gong on your conversation. Masie agrees to our practice session claiming she had no career in music anyway.
I had Art next and that wasn't my forte either.
I nod at Carter who nods back, telling me me Nev is okay with it to.
When the end of lunch bell sounds, the four of us meet in the entrance of the hall. Together, we hunt for a spare class room. When we are all inside a dusty, abandoned one, Nev closes the door tightly.
"Let the snogging session begin!"

Authors note

Hi guys just a quick one to let you know that the story title has been changed from The Escaped to The Fake Romance because I did t feel the first title went with the story.
How are you liking the story so far?
Lots of love
Charlotte xxxx

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