A kiss and the future.

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The school life comes to a close. Prom is great and my exam results are good. Mostly As with a few Bs. It's been three months since Carter past away and it's been hard but I'm learning to deal with it. The sad thoughts are being transferred into happy memories. I smile now while thinking about him, I don't cry.

Ned and Masie are making progress in the form of they are deeply in love.

Rachel and Calla have become canon and trust me when I say it's officially the cutest thing ever. Like you can see how much they care for each other. The other day, Rachel was talking to Masie and I was watching Calla. Her eyes never left Rachel. Ever.

Myself and King are close. Very close. We have at least fee sleepovers per week each resulting in a almost kiss. It's clear that we both feel the same about each other but the only thing that's stopping the flow is Carters memory. It feels like I'm disrespecting it in some way. And I know King feels the same. I just know it.

Wednesday afternoon. Cloudy. Rainy. I'm meeting King in a few minutes at my house, he always turns up a little late but it's cool. Everything's cool. Suddenly the doorbell goes and I jump out. My feet take my flying to the door and I open it quickly, slinky out of breath.
King stands their waiting for me. He looks nervous. His handsome features are card into a smile when he sees me.

"Hey, King, so I was thin-" my voice gets cut off. Before I know what happening, I'm kissing him. I'm kissing King.
He has bent down and kissed me full on.
Slowly, I start to relax and let myself drift into it.
My arms wrap word his neck and his around my waist. It just feels so right. When he break apart I smile.
"I've been wanting to do that for-" it was kings turn to get cut off.
"- Too long" I finish before kissing him again.
Right at that moment, the clouds fade and the sun comes out. It almost lie he's blessing us. Carter Prick.
King seams to think the same thing as he grins.
"Girlfriend?" He asks and I nod.

Ten years later.

"Congratulations Mrs White. You are mother of two beautiful baby's. One boy and one girl" the midwife says, handing myself my little girl and my husband of two years my little boy. Our little twins.
"Do you have names ?" The midwife asks.
The boys name was simple. Carter. I glance up at King who is staring deep into his little boys eyes.
"Carter" he says and the midwife smiles.
"That's a lovely name"
"Yeah, we both knew a Carter. He was very close to both of us untill something dreadful happens, until he died"
The midwife smiles sadly "I'm so sorry. Do you have a name for your little girl"
"How about Ann?" I suggest. Ann, my therapist, had past away three years ago. She was very ill. Ann had helped me through so much, it seamed right to honor her.
Kingston never met her but he smiled. "I like it"
"This is Ann" I smile down at my baby girl.
"Any middle names?"
"Jack and Harriet" those names had been discussed before hand.
"Thank you. You have two beautiful babies" the midwife says before bugling out of the room.
I look up at Kingston who is already looking at me. "I love you" he says,tears in his eyes.
"I love you too" I whisper.

All our friends came to visit that day, all of them becoming emotional over the names we had chosen. Carters mother even came to visit and she burst into tears when we told her what we had named our son.
"He would be so happy for you both"
I know he would.

Fourteen years later

"Look after your sister, Carter" I say as I straighten my sons tie and attempt to flatten down his dark fly away hair. He is already taller then me. "Don't worry about us mum" he says, patting my head patronisingly "I just worry" I mutter, batting away my sons hand .
"Yeah but you do this every morning before we go to school."
I laugh . The twins are identical, as much as two different gender twins can be but Ann is much smaller then Carter. She's still tall, my height so 5"7 but not as tall as Carter who is close to 6".
"And you missy, that Josh kid is no good for you" Kingston added to Ann who was grinning. Josh was her boyfriend of two months and she really liked him.
I kiss my kids on the cheek before sending them off to school.
"Mum!" A shout comes from upstairs. I look at King pleadingly.
That would be out three year old son Frank.
"Please King, I have work to do."
King rolls his eyes, aware of the important phone call I have to take very soon, but still runs up the stairs.
Then the phone goes.
"Hello, Jessie White speaking"
"Ahh, Mrs White. I'm calling from Lanworth Film production. We would like to make your best selling novel into a film"
I grin down the phone and glance out of the window and for a split second, I swear I see a gorgeous boy with blonde hair, blue eyes and ripped skinny jeans smiling at me from the other side of the road.

So this is it. The end. I really hope you enjoyed my story. I enjoyed writing it although I made myself emotional at points. This is the second story I have completely finished the other one being 'punch above your weight' so go check that out if you haven't already. It's much happier then this one.

Please vote, fan, comment, love you all so much and thanks again for reading this ❤️

Charlotte xxxxxxxxxxxx

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