Not just feelings

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The weekend passed in each other's arms. Carter made me laugh like I had never laughed before and I made Carter cry like he had never cried before (with the help of Marley and Me) and together we smiled like we never smiled before and we were happy. Sunday night ended with ice cream and the end of our Harry Potter film marathon.
"I should probably go" Carte whispers when the credits roll on Harry Potter And Th Deathly Hallows Part Two.
I moan in desperation. "Please stay"
Carter chuckles and wraps me in a beautiful cuddle.
"I really need to go"
"Fine. I'll see you tomorrow" I whisper, kissing him gently. He kisses back before standing up.
"Goodbye, beautiful" he whispers and I grin before saying "bye sweet cheeks"
Carter laughed before opening my bedroom door and walking swiftly out of it.
That was perfect. I smile into my pillow before quickly checking the time.
22:30. I flick to Netflix. Time for one more episode I think...

My eyes crack open slowly. Not long after I find myself dressing in a pair of normal jeans, normal converses and a normal blouse. I'm dressing down for the first time in my school life because there is no one to dress up for.
I pull my hair into a high ponytail and put on absolutely no make up.
Then walk towards me house.
"So" a voice behind me sounds. I turn around and see my mum standing, smirking in the door way.
"I saw a boy walking away last night"
I cough nervously "um yeah, he's my boyfriend"
"Oooooo to be honest, he is quite a looker!"
I laugh "bye mum"
"Bye sweetie"
My relationship with my mum is good. Better then it is with my dad by a long shot. With my mum and can talk about anything. With my dad, I can't talk about nothing. Mum doesn't love him any more. I can tell by the way she looks at him but she would never leave him. With three kids she would never leave him. And I suppose that's a bad thing. She's spending her life spending it for someone else and that's not the way it should be.

My moped ride is interrupted by some annoyingly placed traffic lights. I sigh and glance at my watch. I'm not got to be late at least. Finally the traffic lights change and I zoom off.
When I turn into the school, I am greeted by a possy of Beth's group with the wit her self standing in the middle.
"Hey sweetie!" I smirk as I take of my helmet, revelling perfect hair as always.
"Hey Darls, I was just talking to my girls about Carters bedroom skills. Don't you just love them?"
I grin. At least I can answer this on truthfully. Beth obviously thinks we haven't slept together. "They are brilliant!" I sigh.
Beth's false smile wavers. "I totally agree. I mean if got a little boring at times, I mean when you did it as many times as I did..."
I lock my helmet compartment in my moped and strut towards Beth. When I'm close enough to whisper I dip my head and do just that into her pieced ear. "Oh I think he has plenty of tricks up his sleeves" I whisper with the smirk visible on my voice.
I hear Beth gasp quietly before stuffing my keys into my back pocket and prancing away, making sure to swing my perfect little hips.
Carter walks around a corner just in front of my and as if it was planned, we both grab each other and snog. Passionately. In fact it was planned. Whenever we see Beth, we must kiss as steamily as possible, with out being done for public indecency.
I crack open my eyes a little to see Beth standing open mouthed at us. I grin into the kiss and Carter understands.
We break apart to various noises from the crowed we have now formed. Some little, annoying girls squeal and some of the guys look like they are paying incredible attention to my chest.
I glance up to see Masie grinning at me.
"For real?" She mouths and I nod. Because this is for real.
Carter wraps and arm around the bottom of my waist and leads me away.
I look into his eyes as we walk away and he looks into mine.
In those eyes I see Galaxies.

At the end of the boring school day, Carter texts me quickly.
'Meet by the tree' I grin at my phone and start off towards out infamous meeting place.
When I get there, I am greeted by a sight I wish I could savour forever.
Carter has not seen me yet and he sits on one of the lower branches. His eyes stare into the distance and every perfect inch of him is silliest tied against the shadows of the sun.
I smile and run towards him.


I hear a noise from behind me and I smile instantly. My girl. Jessie.
I spin around and see that she has taken out her hair and as she runs towards me, it flaps perfectly in the slight breeze. Her beautiful face is crafted into a smile that could win wars. This sight I wish I could savour forever.
"Hey" she says when she reaches me. I offer my hand to help her climb up the tree but she doesn't need it. Her arms pull her up gracefully.
"I want a selfie" she grins when she reaches my hight. I smile at her.
"Once a Queenbee, always a Queenbee"
She smiles before taking out her phone. Jessie holds it out in front of her and looks at me. I look at her to before looking at the camera.
We take two. Jessie flicks through the two pictures. They are nice. Pretty.
Then she accidentally scrolls one too far and up comes a picture of both of us. I'm looking deep into her eyes and she's looking deep into mine. It's perfect.
"I must of taken it when we were getting ready by accident" she mutters and she goes to delete it but I catch her hand.
"Don't delete it. I love it"
Jessie smiles and puts her phone back onto her pocket.
Then I kiss her. A slow, meaningful kiss.
"You know there are so many boys who want to do this right now" I mutter when we break apart and she smiles against my kiss.
"Only be issue I popular. Not because they have actual feeling towards me"
"They are not just feeling beautiful" I say. And then we are still. Still against the sun.

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